anyone lost weight on zumba?

hey, i am thinking of joining zumba classes, has anyone lost weight whilst doing zumba??


  • RachelSD7
    RachelSD7 Posts: 65 Member
    I've been doing zumba 1-2 times a week since january, along with using MFP to track my calories, and I've lost 14 lb in 13 weeks! (I put on 2 and lost them again) It's a great, sociable way to get fit - the weight loss just seems to be a cheeky bonus. Go on, give it a go!
  • that's great, congratulations + well done :-)
    how long were the classes? i am thinking about doing it on the wii lol
  • rosie291289
    rosie291289 Posts: 128 Member
    Misbahbeig (sorry if I spelt it wrong) I think that's a great idea, if you're honest with yourself and put your everything in to it. It's much easier to slack off in front of the TV than in a class!

    I do zumba up to 6 times a week for half an hour by using the zumba app on my ipad. It was £2.49 and I paid £17.00 for the full version after using the 'starter class' for a week. It's like just dance on the wii telling you when you got the moves right etc and tells you at the end how many calories you have burned! I'd highly recommend! It's great if you only have hour breaks through out the day or don't feel confident enough to do a class! X
  • gettingsexy94
    gettingsexy94 Posts: 156 Member
    I've heard of many success stories :D It's highly motivating. And also, it is supposed to be fun!
    Does anyone do zumba workout videos on youtube?
    If so, who (what videos) do you like best?

    Bumping to come back later.

    Sorry, I didn't really answer ur qus, but I'm quite sure I've come across many zumba success on mfp after googling it.
    Also, the app mentioned above is not my cup of tea, I downloaded the starter version and found it a little limited, and boring, so I didn't download the full one, but you may like it :D My room mate likes it.

  • rosie291289
    rosie291289 Posts: 128 Member
    Yer the starter version only has 6 ish songs, none of them I was interested in as they aren't 'known' songs. But I did it everyday regardless and all the songs have grown on me to the point I know all the actions and lyrics and spend half the time at work singing them, Downloaded the full pack but keep going back to the starter class, think I'll need to do a week in each class to get the moves and enjoy the songs rather than trying to try them all one after another!
  • ME0172
    ME0172 Posts: 200
    I have a friend that's lost 40 pounds doing Zumba 3x a week and stationary bike 2x a week. She's in her 50's and that's all she's done beside "watching" what she eats.
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    I've been going to a Zumba class once a week with friends as something fun to do. I have lost weight since I started but I also run, lift and count calories. One of the other days, the class incorporates weights as well but I haven't tried it though my SIL says her arms are sore after. I also want to add that the calories burned that MFP automatically calculates from the database were WAY off for me, despite being close to my HRM for other exercises- like 250+ higher than my HRM for an hour class.
  • rosie291289
    rosie291289 Posts: 128 Member
    Yer I found that the calories on MVP were off too! I edit the calories burnt to what my app says I've burned as that monitors technique and effort too.
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    I usually play Zumba World Party (xbox one) on the days that I can't make it to the gym. It is a lot of fun and I always feel like the workout flies by. What game are you playing on the Wii?

    You tube is a great place to learn the steps if your game/dvd doesn't give you enough instruction - you can even search for specific steps if one is giving you trouble. I enjoyed this tutorial: As for complete workouts? I'm sure there's some out there, but I haven't tried them because I prefer the feedback that I get from the kinect camera.

    Good luck and have fun!
  • i bought this one

    im going to try and do it every day, the 45 min class that is
    i used to do it before but i kind of stopped cos of uni and stuff... but fingers crossed i actually stick to it
    the thing is, that i dont actually eat rubbish if that makes sense, i am kind of a health freak and although i dont 'log' my calories i do kind of know what i eat if that makes sense...
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    i bought this one

    im going to try and do it every day, the 45 min class that is
    i used to do it before but i kind of stopped cos of uni and stuff... but fingers crossed i actually stick to it
    the thing is, that i dont actually eat rubbish if that makes sense, i am kind of a health freak and although i dont 'log' my calories i do kind of know what i eat if that makes sense...

    Good for you! Depending on your fitness level you may want to work up to your goal of playing it every day. Start off with 3 set days a week, then 4 the next, and so on. This will give you time to find what works best for you and for your body to get used to the demands of the increased activity.

    A lot of people make the mistake of trying to do too much too fast then getting discouraged buy perceived "slow progress" or sore muscles, or something else. Take it slow, and set yourself up for success.
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    I love doing Zumba. It has helped! is my favorite youtube zumba vid. I usually just play it on repeat
  • thank you :*
  • Shaselai
    Shaselai Posts: 151
    I do zumba about 5 times a week with other cardio workouts for the days i am not. I can't comment on how much weight i lost due to zumba since i am on low calorie diet and other exercises are mixed in BUT using fitbit i burn about 500+ calories a session and doing very rough math 500*5 sessions * 4 weeks/month = 10000+ calories burned according to fitbit...

    But at least FOR ME it is a great motivator and as a person who gets bored of repetitive exercises (treadmill, running etc.) very quick i look forward to every zumba class even if many of the songs are the same.