My new job is sabatoging me!!!



  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    No YOU are sabotaging you. Don't blame work, dont blame free's YOU who is in control & YOU that eats it.

    I work in a bakery, I'm surrounded by food all day. I can eat what I like while on shift. 8hrs is a long shift. But you know what? I don't eat anything. I even have days there that I don't eat for 40hrs & STILL don't eat it. My work is not doing a damn thing to me at all.

    Stop blaming work, when it's you that is to blame. Sorry for being so blunt but if you make excuses with this, then you will make excuses for it all.
  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member
    We get a lot of free food delivered to our offices too. When the email goes out, I either ignore it, or go take a peak. If it is something that looks awesome (like the chili last Thursday), I put a small helping in a bowl and eat it with my lunch. Was there cheese, crackers, meats, chips, home made treats and bread there? YES! I looked over it all though and made a decision about which one thing I would have. This helps immensely. If it's Mexican food, open up a burrito and dump the insides onto your salad or something. DON'T DEPRIVE. DECIDE!
  • HRLaurie614
    HRLaurie614 Posts: 260 Member
    I'm the benefits manager at my company. Through our health care provider, we are offering 4 "seminars" this year. The first one is later this month...the topic...Eating Healthy in the Workplace. In talking to the presenter, I mentioned all the things you mention food, bringing healthy food to work, prepping food to bring. Remind me on April 24th and I'll debrief.

    We always have extra food from meetings. Plus, every Friday we have "Ice Cream Friday" at 3pm. While there's a variety of choices (someone goes down and gets boxes of individual things like ice cream sandwiches, fruit pops, ice cream bars)...ranges from low cal to decadent. It really is a struggle to balance "free food" with "am I hungry". I'm really looking forward to the session. And, the one in Dec is on holiday eating.

    Good stuff!