Need to lose 100 lbs... Motivators Please

I'm Ashley... just looking for some motivational friends who have lost a lot of weight and can give me pointers and help along the way! I'm eating clean for the most part, but my diary is a big mess, because most of the stuff I have knowledge of the calories or look at the labels and just ad stuff in my head as im cooking and then use the quick add calories thing, instead of logging everything separately... But anyway... my goal is 1670 cals a day, but I eat more like 13-1400 cals a day and then i workout 5 days a week an hour to an hour and a half... I've lost 21 lbs in 2 months...but this is a total lifestyle change for me... I want to always eat better from now to the rest of my life, and I'm starting to love the exercise... I walk 3 miles in the morning at about 3MPH and then I jog intervals for a mile and a half and mix in weights and the elliptical at the gym after lunch. Ive switched from canned foods to frozen, peanut butter to almond butter, chips to fresh veggies and light ranch dip, pasta to whole wheat pasta, white breat to whole grain bread.... hamburgers from Mcdonalds to the premium grilled chicken wrap... Anything more or less I should be doing?

SW 317
CW 296
GW 195


  • theonyxhotel143x
    I'm a major supporter of the low carb lifestyle. Once you get on it, it doesn't even feel like a diet anymore. I would definitely recommend that. If you want to start slowly, I would recommend cutting out wheat and flour (no bread or pasta--and whole wheat pasta isn't really any better for you than regular pasta). You can have grains instead like quinoa--delicious--which still has carbs but it is much healthier.
    Also whether or not you go with a low carb lifestyle, still stay away from the "lite" or "low-fat" foods. They're not good for you and are usually have much more sugar. It is better to have the "regular" one and just have a little less.
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    First off , congrats on your weight loss already !

    Secondly do you drink soda? I hope not .Even diet soda can make you crave sweets and salty foods ( in my opinion )
    You are doing well with the " eat this not that " idea. That's what I did ,but at some point the lbs will slow down and you will need to eat even less ,sigh . Lol but as long as you keep after it and keep doing what you are doing you should be fine. .

    Good luck !
  • The_1_Who_Knocks
    The_1_Who_Knocks Posts: 343 Member
    It sounds like you are doing all the right things already. I don't know that I have anything to add. I guess the only thing I would say is that if you feel like you are making a permanent lifestyle change, there is no reason to even have that goal weight, and you are going to cruise right by that 195 anyway if you continue to do things the way you are doing them.
  • MBrothers22
    MBrothers22 Posts: 323 Member
    If you workout a lot like you say, there's no point in cutting carbs. Only if you don't plan on burning that energy would you cut carbs because they turn into sugar.
  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    The only thing you need to be doing right now is logging accurately! You don't know if you're eating 13-1400 calories unless you are weighing, measuring, and logging everything you eat. Do that so you have a solid understanding of how many calories you're consuming, so you can track what works!

    You're off to a great start, and it only gets better from here :)