Is this normal?

Hey All!
I'm female, 5'9"- 5'10".
My starting weight at MFP was about 177-178.
I'm currently down to 167.8. My goal weight is 157, so I'm getting there!
I had gotten to 183 toward the end of August 2013. I tried to lose weight on my own and got down to 177, but stayed there for what seemed to be forever.
I'm really content with my weight loss. Once I slowly upped my calories from 1,300 to 1,700, I was losing a lb a week.
But recently, my weight loss has slowed down to .4 lbs to .6 lbs a week.
I've recently also added running to my workout routine and made the transition from moderate lifting to heavy lifting in the past 2 weeks.
Since I didn't have that much to lose in the beginning, and I'm getting close to my goal, is it normal for weight loss to slow down? Could the changes in my training be affecting the speed of my weight loss?
Obviously I'd like this 10 lbs off my body as quick as possible, so I just thought I'd check to see if a decrease in weight loss was normal at this stage.
Any thoughts? SImilar experiences?


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Yes it is normal...with so little left to lose 1/2lb a week is a good sustainable rate.

    The only suggestion to ensure you are losing appropriately is to get a food scale and use it to ensure you are logging accurately.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Totally normal.

    The last 10 lbs are notoriously hard and the goal should be about .5lb a week loss.

    I'd also suspect that your change in exercise routine the past two weeks could be having an effect on it as well. You could be retaining more water than usual due to the increase in exercise/intensity that may be masking bigger losses. I wouldn't stop on account of that, that is fairly temporary.

    Also when was the last time you re-calculated your calorie goal?
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    The forums are loaded with pics and stats of girls who have started lifting heavy, weigh more than they did on cardio, but look hella more awesome.

    For example this one:
    Notice how she weighs 10 pounds more now.

    But, if the heavy lifting is recent, you're probably holding on to more fluids. I would say at this point, to look at trends over a month, not over a few weeks. Not enough time to adapt.
  • JengaJess
    JengaJess Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks everyone! I figured it was normal, just wanted some reassurance so I didn't get frustrated with myself.
    I recalculate my goals pretty frequently. According to the Scooby calculator and my trainer, I should actually be eating closer to 1800 or 1900 calories with amount of activity I do, but I literally just got a food scale like 5 days ago. I set my calorie goal at 1700 to allow some wiggle room for the extra calories I might have eaten without a food scale. I might actually bump it up to 1800 now that I have a food scale and am adding heavy lifting into the mix.
    Thanks again for your help!
  • I didn't want to believe that those last 10 lbs or so were as hard to lose as everyone says, but for me that is definitely true. Like you, some weeks (like this one) I only lose .4 lbs. Every other week or so I may lose 1 lb and am thrilled/surprised when that happens.
    I joined a group on here on Feb 22 and today's weigh in - I'm down 3.8 lbs -it took me 6 weeks to lose <4 lbs. It's been helpful to read other stories and learn that at this point in weight loss, it's ok and preferred to only lose .5 lb/week or so.
    All I can say is to just stay with it...slow and steady...You'll get to where you want to be.