Trouble meeting my Macros

I'm having a little bit of trouble getting all of the protein that I need in a day and it's throwing my percentages off. I feel like I'm eating well, and based on my calories, I am within 100 calories of where I aim to be every day. But I need some suggestions on some high protein, low fat, low carb foods that I can add into my meals to help me out. Most of the time when people are eating to much of something its to many carbs, however, I'm finding that I am eating to much fat. What kinds of things do yall substitute or else just add in to your day to help you meet your high protein needs?


  • dladd103
    dladd103 Posts: 13
    Broiled fish, tuna, chicken, turkey, egg whites, lean beef, or even making a homemade protein shake with some whey protein is what I do when my macros are off. I have a hard time getting enough protein in too especially since protein sources are expensive!
  • jdb3388
    jdb3388 Posts: 239 Member
    I meant to add that, the part about not breaking the bank. I mean the whole thing is, I eat a protein bar as a snack in the afternoons, I eat a grilled white meat most evenings. I eat eggs in the morning with either sausage or turkey bacon. Lunch I usually eat a turkey or chicken sandwich and I also eat a whole lot of greek yogurt. I am still having trouble with protein. Currently, due to what a gym membership costs around here, I am not lifting. Is it heard of to drink a protein shake when you aren't lifting and while you are in deficit trying to lose weight? The only time I've ever done protein shakes is while I was in the gym trying to gain.
  • Whey protein is an excellent source of protein even if you are not lifting. It is a way to reach your protein goal without adding more carbs into your diet. I'm a runner and still use protein powder to stay on top of my macros. If you go to Costco, you can get a 5-6 lb bag for $50 and it comes out to about 50 cents a scoop. It's a least worth a try to see if it'll work for you, every individual is different. Definitely doing your research and finding out what type of protein powder would be best for your diet and lifestyle. I also love snacking on cheese sticks because they have 6g protein and only 1g carbs, but 6g of fat. An egg has 5g of fat but if you switch to just egg whites, there is no fat. HAve you tried using only one whole egg and just egg whites after? Hope this was helpful!
  • jdb3388
    jdb3388 Posts: 239 Member
    Whey protein is an excellent source of protein even if you are not lifting. It is a way to reach your protein goal without adding more carbs into your diet. I'm a runner and still use protein powder to stay on top of my macros. If you go to Costco, you can get a 5-6 lb bag for $50 and it comes out to about 50 cents a scoop. It's a least worth a try to see if it'll work for you, every individual is different. Definitely doing your research and finding out what type of protein powder would be best for your diet and lifestyle. I also love snacking on cheese sticks because they have 6g protein and only 1g carbs, but 6g of fat. An egg has 5g of fat but if you switch to just egg whites, there is no fat. HAve you tried using only one whole egg and just egg whites after? Hope this was helpful!

    I hate eggs, I am trying to teach myself to like them for the sake of nutrition. I am hoping to eventually go the rout of 1 yolk per 3 whites, but right now, I just don't know if I can do that. It's not all that difficult to eat good food and stay in my calorie count, but I'm finding it a lot harder to fit food that I really like into my Macros.
  • Paizzaz
    Paizzaz Posts: 33
    I have the same problem with too much fat and too little protein. I ditched my coffee creamer for skim milk and started eating more egg whites. Not that the yolk is bad, but removing it did help increase my protein without the fat.
    *edit* Just saw that you're eating a protein bar for a snack.. I do that too but make sure the one you're eating isn't high in fat. I didn't pay attention to it at first but some of them increased my fat macro more than the protein!
  • dladd103
    dladd103 Posts: 13
    This is exactly what I was gonna say! I love my protein shakes after my run! I just make a shamrock shake flavored one a few moments ago! Plus you can get creative with eggwhites. I make a crustless quiche on Sundays and eat it all week! Asparagus and feta is one of my favorites but I have been enjoying caramelized onions bacon and swiss also! If you did this with ground turkey sausage you could get a great dose of protein out of the way first thing! Also lifting isnt needed to build muscle. Use your body weight as resistance and you can strength train all day long! Lunges, squats, pushups, etc! All these things build muscle when access to a gym is not feasible! Plus a set of free weights is a great investment as an alternative. I'm getting a little off topic here but dialing in your macros takes time and isnt easy!