Re-Losing weight.

I need a pick me up!! My husband was gone for 9 months for work and now he is back and I gained 10 lbs back since January. I stepped on the scale this morning and after my results and thought "****, I don't want to re-lose the weight I already lost!" This blows. I am discouraged. Anyone else have this happen?


  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Yep, After losing my original weight, when I was going to see a family member who lives almost 2,000 miles away, I'd put on at least 5-10 pounds. I was eating due to the stress of unresolved issues with this person. While this might not be your situation at all, I would advise you to look at why you are overeating enough to gain 10 pounds since January. That's an awful lot of food.

    I would also advise picking up logging again (if you've stopped) and just doing exactly what you did to lose weight in the first place.

    Ten pounds isn't even that bad at all. Set your goals to lose .5 pounds a week and it will be off in no time.
  • ryliery
    ryliery Posts: 25 Member
    THANK YOU! My husband was away with work so I ate what I wanted to eat (healthy) now that my husband is home he eats chips, brats and GARBAGE. It is so easy to stick my hand in a chip bag when I am sitting next to him GAHH. Im going to start loging again.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Re-losing 10 lbs is much easier than re-losing 30, trust me.
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    I lost 25 pounds over 2 years and gained almost all of it back. It's so discouraging starting over again but the silver lining is I know I can do it. Just push through and you'll make it
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I think we forget to take care of ourselves. I blaim my hubby sometimes for my weight problems. He wants to eat pizza late or just knick knack on chips and stuff but I can leave the room or eat something healthy.
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 723 Member
    Don't be discouraged at all. I have since gained 10lbs myself after acheiving my goal. I have allowed that cushion without beating myself up about it. By hitting that top cushion weight, l am now in weight loss mode again. Knowledge is power.
  • scottkjar
    scottkjar Posts: 346 Member
    Does your husband do the grocery shopping? Or are you bringing that stuff into the house?

    If he wants to snack, find better alternatives. Veggie platters. Get Kale Chips instead of potato chips. (It's hard to keep eating those! LOL)
  • babyluu80
    babyluu80 Posts: 58 Member
    Same thing happened to me except I gained even more than what I started with last year. I had lost 26 lbs early last year but hurt my back in June so couldn't exercise for a few months and gained about 20 lbs back, then earlier this year the pharmacy switched my BC to a generic and that made me gain even more weight.....another 12 lbs in 3 months (I was watching what I ate and working out 3 times a week). I have finally stopped taking that medication a week ago, I am feeling much better and am down 1 lb. I've also switched up my goals on MFP so hopefully that will help me speed up my weight loss as well. It's tough to start over but we can do it. Just think about how good you felt at your lower weight and know that eventually you will get back down.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    My husband is a fantastic cook and is the master of 'here, try this'. He also adds 'just a tiny bit' of butter/cheese/salad dressing to everything to make it taste just a little better.


    Anyway, my revenge is that although he's been on MFP for almost as long as I have, he is finally disgusted with himself and taking his logging seriously. He's super active (he teaches tai chi) so it should come off.
  • jhellwig828
    jhellwig828 Posts: 109 Member
    My husband is a professional chef. So of course, he cooks amazing food and usually at odd hours because of his work schedule. Take last night for example - at 9pm he was in the kitchen making gyros. Yummy, but not what I want to eat right before bed! So when he said "I left one in the kitchen for you" I said thanks and went in the kitchen and wrapped it up and put it in the fridge. That way I wasn't tempted and I can enjoy it tonight for dinner!

    It's really hard to say no to temptation but if I can lose weight with my bacon-grease-deep-frying loving husband, you can too!!
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Re-losing 10 lbs is much easier than re-losing 30, trust me.


    Or 85 + the extra 85 on top of that. . lord I wish I started reloosing when I saw the initial 10lb gain. You're ahead of the game. Don't fret, just do.
  • DuchessVB
    DuchessVB Posts: 10
    YES. I gained 15 pounds over the winter. I have had bronchitis for months and have just been lying around and fixing comfort food. Back on the wagon starting today and realizing that with warm weather, gardening, fresh veggies and fruits of the season I will get rid of the winter weight!
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Yep, I lost 40 and gained back 48. You know that freshman 15 thing? Well, when you're in your mid-30's when you go back to school, I guess it has a tendency to multiply. I'm just getting started again, which is not easy when I feel that I already have too much to do than the hours allow me to accomplish. But my stress level was so high, I had to find a way to be able to take an hour to work out without feeling like it was a waste of time.
  • tech_kitten
    tech_kitten Posts: 221 Member
    If everyone would realize at 10 lbs gain to go back into losing mode again, we wouldn't be here, right? I get discouraged and just start eating badly again sometimes, so that's why I'm in this loop of 30 ish lbs. I hope that I can get to where I'm only in a 10 lb (or less) loop.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    My husband is a professional chef. So of course, he cooks amazing food and usually at odd hours because of his work schedule. Take last night for example - at 9pm he was in the kitchen making gyros. Yummy, but not what I want to eat right before bed! So when he said "I left one in the kitchen for you" I said thanks and went in the kitchen and wrapped it up and put it in the fridge. That way I wasn't tempted and I can enjoy it tonight for dinner!

    It's really hard to say no to temptation but if I can lose weight with my bacon-grease-deep-frying loving husband, you can too!!

    Love this! It's true!
  • Keeta83
    Keeta83 Posts: 427 Member
    I'm in the same boat...gained 10 lbs since the fall and feel crappy about letting myself get here! Here's to gaining back some will power and the motivation to keep moving!
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    ADD ME! :smile:

    Oh, I've been there before.. REFUSE to do it again! I always kick myself, when I think..." I could have been at my goal weight by now...IF I didn't quit."
    Yeah, it sucks. lol.

    Good luck to you on your journey.

    I am active on MFP, and I like to comment posts when I can, I enjoy supporting and motivate others. So, feel free to add me. :-)
    More friends..the merrier!

    Have a fantastic and successful day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • 4my2jays
    4my2jays Posts: 168 Member
    YEs its happened to me. I lost 60lbs and gained back quite a bit not most of it but if I kept down the same path it would've eventually all came back. I just started really getting back on my journey because I had to say to myself that I refuse to let all my hard work go to waste and get me back to where I was. I am too good for that. So, I started back re-losing what I had already lost but regained and you know I am pumped because I've dropped 5lbs already in a week. Just keep focused and do it.
  • diana_marie8302
    diana_marie8302 Posts: 84 Member
    it sucks and its hard. I'm still trying to get back on track. It's been a struggle. Harder, I feel, than losing it all the first time. Slowly but surely I'm getting back on track and trying to be more positive and motivated. Good luck!
  • carriemya
    carriemya Posts: 13 Member
    Yep. Lost 15 or so in the fall, was getting compliments on 'trimming up' and so forth, feeling really good. Then came Thanksgiving and Christmas and cold winter laziness and comfort food.... and we're back 10-12 up again. BOO.