Syncing fitness apps with MFP = awesome

I use a particular fitness app that syncs how many calories I burned directly into MFP and it has really changed everything for me. This really helps me keep track of where I need to be calorie wise on a day to day level and ever since I started doing this, I have seen drastic improvements. I used to go to the gym everyday and sure, some workouts were hard, some not. . .but I never knew how many calories I was burning. Honestly, I gauged how hard my workouts were by how tired or how hurting I was later in the day. That gets old quick especially when you have stairs to climb at work or home.

I now keep my workouts short 7-23 minutes max and I usually squeak 2-3 a day if I can. If near the end of the day I'm over my calorie count by 150-250 calories, I use the fitness app and do a 10 minute workout to get me under. When I see my calorie count is under my max and in green font, I feel good.