
Does anyone else suffer from fibromyalgia? The specialist says I have it but, really, what does it mean? My symptoms are pain pretty much everywhere on my body and extreme fatigue. I MAKE myself walk on the treadmill just about every single day. I walk very slow (2.5 mph) which annoys me to no end. I walked/ran on the treadmill just a few years ago and even a year ago was cruising around 3.3 most days. When I finish (usually 50 minutes) I just about have to crawl into the shower. I feel like I've been hit by a bus. I so envy the people that say they feel great after exercise. Because I had gained 30 lbs in the past year, I feel I have to keep walking. (I'm now starting to lose). I also walk to keep my heart healthy as my mother died of heart disease at age 59. I don't have access to a pool to change my cardio or even a gym. I am 58 years old and feel about 80. I sleep 7 hours a night and usually have to nap in the afternoon. On days that I work (casual secretary at a school) I am extremely sick and very, very tired by the end of the day. Anybody else feel like this and, if so, any advice for me?:yawn:


  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    The best advice I got was "keep moving" I have chronic pain and I have gotten much better.
    Try accupuncture and yoga but don't give upon exercise.
    Try a pain specialist
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Have no personal experience with it, but my uncle suffers from fibromyalgia. He has been following for years a program created for him by a physical therapist, which focuses on resistance training. I do not know if it is something you could try without getting some guidelines from a specialist, but it focuses on some strength training machines, basic weight lifting exercises and lots of calisthenics.
  • 4saw
    4saw Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Susan
    l was diagnosed with FM when I was in my early 20's. I am now 46. The best advice I can give is do research, read everything, and ask other people about it who have it. I have many family and friends who r supportive but because they have not experienced the pain, fatigue, depression (that will come, if not already) it is hard for them to truly understand. I do encourage u to keep up an xercise regimen. Seeing and working with a physical therapist really helped me to get a more balanced view of what I can do w/out being out of commission for the next 3 days. I have gained a lot of weight since I was 20, (because I did not keep up the xcercise) so do keep up the xcercise--just be reasonable about it because u may not be able to do what u once did. Some of the articles that really helped me is on>publications>online library>enter in search bar "fibromyalgia". I wish u success. Susie
  • Spudnut72
    Spudnut72 Posts: 33 Member
    My wife was diagnosed with FM about ten years ago after many years of undiagnosed pain. Her advice is to keep as active as you can when you can and rest when your body needs you to rest. Find out what triggers your pain eg: hot/cold weather, stress, certain foods etc and try and eliminate or manage the triggers.
    The trick is though sometimes you just have to push through the pain and get on with it. Find the activities that cause the least discomfort and concentrate on them. She also recommends weight based gym classes like 'Pump' and swears that being stronger helps keep the pain away - even though it sometimes hurts the day(s) after the class.
    Good luck, and try and have a good support person who understands, as this is a condition that those of us who don't have it find very difficult to understand.
  • SuziQGettinFit
    Thank you so very much for the responses. It truly is a disease that baffles a person, their doctor, their family, friends, really everyone. I have wondered about different foods that might be causing it. I also have IBS, so have wondered if it's all connected somehow. I eat mostly whole foods but recently have eliminated raw spinach from my diet which I used to eat most days and my stomach seems somewhat better. I will certainly take all the advice that has been offered to me on here. Will try to listen to my body more and accept my limitations as suggested. Thanks again you kind, caring people! :flowerforyou: