Starting again :-)

I didn't even realize I was starting again here until I tried to register and found I'd started way back in 2008!

I'm now a single mom and really excited about taking care of myself again. As much as I am a very social person, I do enjoy working out from home, so I am using Zombies, Run! 5K along with some of my old fitness DVDs and even videos.

My daughter is getting married in London in November. I've never been outside of the US before, so it's extra incentive to get in as great a shape as possible :-)


  • CaptainMilda
    CaptainMilda Posts: 127 Member
    Wb, feel free to add me... Very open-minded person, I share tips, ideas thoughts (about a lot of things).. Starting over again, did lose a lot (reached my goal weight) but gained a lot of it back when I got a severe burn (2./3. degree on my hand). Maybe we could help each other out??
  • Shortontime
    Shortontime Posts: 25 Member
    Please add me too. I am in great need of encouragement and accountability. I can provide the same
  • Hello everyone I had download app in 2012 n recently started using app again I've logged in 15 days straight so far. I'm really determine to loose n keep it off. Please add me I would love the encouragement.
  • Zbugsmom
    Zbugsmom Posts: 19 Member
    Please add me:). I just got back to it as well! Super excited about getting back and getting/ giving some encouragement along the way.
  • KatieKat1979
    KatieKat1979 Posts: 470 Member
    Hi all! I'm Katie, 35 from Southeastern Wisconsin. I had a MFP account but decided to scrap it and start fresh. (Needed a clean slate). I'm looking for new friends to keep me accountable and be supportive, and I'm willing to do so in return.

    I had a recent breakup after 3 years, so I'm taking this change seriously. I had a bf that constantly sabotaged my diet but was the first person to criticize and put me down. No more. I am ready to break free and be who I always envisioned myself being. I hope I can inspire and be inspired while meeting friends along the way!

    Feel free to add me if you like!! :-)
  • hendermy
    hendermy Posts: 1
    This is my second go round on MFP. I was getting to my goal the first time when things got a little crazy in my life and I got busy and lazy all at once. I need to lose 20-30 pounds. I am 44 and can't walk up the stairs to my 2nd floor apartment without losing my breath. I want to be able to keep up with my grand children and just be healthy in general. I am looking for a few friends to help me out on here and I can do the same in return. Add me if you would like please.