How to slim down a huge bottom half?

Having big hibs,butt, and thighs is somthing I suffered with since I was 12. I am currently 114 lbs and feel horrible! I'm only 5 ft and use to be 98 lbs, while I still suffered from being diproportiante I felt and looked much better then. I am finding it really hard to lose any weight. I have gotten down to 109lbs a few times but I just gain it right back. I do squats and jogging as my two main excersises. What do you guys suggest I do to slim down my lower half? I know I need to lose 10-15 lbs.


  • KingRat79
    KingRat79 Posts: 125 Member
    Hi unfortunately there is no way to spot remove fat, you can do all the squats you like it will not remove fat from your thighs any faster. The only way to loose fat is to be in a calorific deficit over a sustained period of time. There are no magic secrets.
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    I see nothing wrong with this picture, you have a flat stomach and strong legs. I think you will have a great booty too, very attractive to most men. Your bottom half is not 'huge'.
    You could try some strength training to build some muscle, that will make everything seem a bit tighter.
    Losing 10-15 lbs will put you close to underweight, I don't think you should focus on that.

    You can slim down legs a little bit with strength training, you will build muscle and burn fat, but your lower body will always be a bit bigger in comparison. That is your body type.

    Here you can see what strength training could do for your lower body, this lady has some great tips, and also a strong lower body