PanPlanner App (for setting daily goals)

So I am really goal oriented and I just created a personal 30 day challenge (pulling from other challenges)/ fitness plan to challenge myself and switch up my routine. I have been looking for an app that would allow me to set up a minimum of 30 days (on a calendar) worth of activities from my fitness plan and then show me a daily view so I could easily see what I needed to do each day (and ideally check off each activity as I complete). Well maybe I was missing something, but, I've spent the better part of a week searching and downloading several goal setting, calendar, task list style apps to achieve this with no luck, until today...I found PanPlanner (a free app on Android) and I am able to add each specific workout to every day of the month, then I can switch to daily view to see what I need to accomplish and check it off as I complete.

To me It's kind of like the app version of this Anyways, like I said there might be something out there that I missed but I am pretty stoked over this and thought others might be able to use it too.