How to Not Give up

i have such a trouble sticking with my weight lose its embarrassing:embarassed: , anyone have any tips ?


  • I don't have any tips as such but I can totally relate, Im in my last year of college (18 years old) and all my friends love boozing and eating out all the time so I often lack willpower and motivaton.
    Something I have realised is that once you start, it gets easier. You start to feel better and ,once you see results, it becomes addictive!
    i do allow myself to eat one 'cheat meal' that im really craving once a week as long as it fits into my calories: that way, I don't fall off completely and I also satisfy any cravings I am having :)
    The beginning is the hardest, just push through it, you can do it!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    It has to come from within. There's no tip or tricks that can do it for you. You have to want it!! Just force yourself to do it until it becomes part of your daily routine, maybe then it will be easier for you to stick to?
  • ^^definitely agree with that >.<
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    If it's hard to stick with it, set your goal to lose it slowly, that way you're just reducing your intake a little and it's not so hard. And that way you'll have more energy to be active etc.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Eat the way you plan on eating for the rest of your life. That will work every time.

    If you deprive yourself of the things you love you will crave them more then feel bad when you break down. If you incorporate them into your diet in moderation, you never feel deprived. Good luck to you.
  • Try setting small, attainable goals into your daily diet and/or exercise. Like making sure you're getting two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables per day and fitting in time to do some squats and lunges or taking a walk after work.

    If you're able to make some small changes it can make a big impact.

    And in most cases, it's safest to lose one to two pounds per week... seems like a small loss until you actually see the scale moving in the direction that you want it to move at the end of the month!!!
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    These are the 9 things that have helped me.

    :smile: Maintain unconditional positive regard for yourself, no matter what
    :smile: Show love and care for yourself, at every opportunity
    :smile: Celebrate every milestone, no matter how small
    :smile: Start where you're at (i.e. if you can only walk for 10 minutes, commit to walking 10 minutes/day)
    :smile: Make small, easily achievable changes, when you are ready
    :smile: Pair your strengths & passions with change objectives (i.e. if you like to dance, dance your booty off in your room)
    :smile: Normalize setbacks and struggles
    :smile: Create a strong support network
    :smile: Acknowledge anniversaries of your change with your support network, to encourage maintenance

    I've also decided to call this my "last weight loss journey", because I'm determined to get off the rollercoaster and just be healthy.