How long did it take&how many times you fell before..

you reached your goal?

Really starting to wonder this because for my feeling im different or something.

For example, ive been trying for about 2 years now, not non stop but still. I've watched tons of motivational vids, before and after vids, photo's, inspiring stories etc etc.

I've been working in a gym for 2 years now every sunday, guiding people with exercises, giving them advice, i even have the keys to the gym and can walk in when i want for God's sake, i know alot about cardio and musculair exercises and i know alot about eating healthy.

Yet i keep falling back to my old habbits, smoking, drink alcohol(alot, 4 days in the week) and eating crappy. Those inspiring stories and motivational vids doesnt do anything for me, i don't have kids or a steady gf which alot of people use for inspiration, i want to lose weight because i aint getting any younger but still that push or click isnt working for me.

Cause of my ****ty past i am well aware i got problems with discipline and also about that read alot how to improve but that also is not clicking in my mind :(

Any of you can relate?


  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    I had to sub new habits in place of old, they would not just go away with workouts and low calories.
    It is a life change. With so much activities around food and drink I have to control it.
    It is very hard. It is now my life, what goes up can go down, I just have to work at it!
    ( Sw was 272 loss 157, to much,
    weight now is 132 goal is back to 127)
    It is work in progress.
  • 12pillows
    12pillows Posts: 81 Member
    I can definitely relate. I can happily watch some motivating video and read fitness articles while eating a bag of doritos.

    I'm feeling pretty motivated lately and I'm doing alright, but I'm only 5-6 weeks in so we'll see!

    The main things that are helping me this time is my friends that I regularly spend time with are all doing this with me. Makes it a lot easier to stick to eating healthy when the people I spend time with are trying to do the same thing! We're all friends on MFP and we also have a facebook group we can chat in about it.

    I also treat my gym sessions differently to how I have before. I once spoke to a trainer and he said to look at your weeks schedule, plan when you're going to work out, and stick to it like you would if it were work or a docs app.
    Because I work shifts and my schedule can change, I have Monday to Thursday as set gym days. Regardless of what I'm working or what my social plans are, I have to go to the gym those days. This has actually made it a lot easier to stick to cause I can't make up excuses as to why I shouldn't go! Fridays are optional but for the last couple of weeks I've skipped it!

    With my diet I've been doing a proper food shop once a week, and then when I go to work/gym I don't take my money with me so I can't stop off at the shop on the way home and buy crap. I've not really been planning my meals in advance cause I'm not good at that, but I buy sensible things that will make a few meals, and I've actually been enjoying cooking properly again :)

    Dunno if any of this is useful or even what you were asking, I started to ramble! hah.
  • moveyourself
    It's NOT easy.
    I was struggling with my weight for about 5 years now. I'd do well for a few months, then mess up one day, and before I knew, I gained back whatever a little bit of weight I lost. I went through this cycle for years.

    But I got REALLY fed up around January. It's a new year, I'm turning 22, and I haven't changed at all. I just felt so angry at myself for putting it off for so long.

    I don't have a huge support system in my life. I have like 3 super close friends, and just my family - which is a very small family. lol
    So, don't feel weird that you don't have this HUGE social life like some other people. Everyone's different, and that's okay.

    Anyway, the journey isn't easy. That's the main thing you need to realize.

    I thought, once you get motivation, you'll do perfect from then on.

    That's not true. Maybe for some people it is, but that's not how it works for me.

    I still slip up sometimes, but I don't let that get me discouraged. If I have a bad day, I try to make up for it the next day.
    A week will go by, and I won't lose a single pound.
    And that's OK.

    But, just from changes my eating habits little by little, and adding minimal exercise, I've managed to lose around 18ish pounds in the last 4 months.
    I have ways to go, but I'm happy with the progress so far.

    Don't put too much pressure on yourself to lose a ton of weight in a short amount of time.
    Just start off with little changes, and give yourself small goals. Like, just focus on losing 5 pounds first. When you get there, take that as your first step accomplished.

    BUT I can totally relate to what you're going through. I mean, I know I'm not in your shoes, nor do I know what your life is like on a day to day basis, but when it comes to falling off the wagon and feeling depressed about it and feeling like you want to give up, I KNOW that feeling.

    It's never to late to fix things and start over, though.
    And remember you're still trying, which is way better than saying you gave up and threw in the towel long ago and you don't care anymore.
    Failing a million times is better than giving up, because failing means you still believe in yourself.

    I know it sounds cheesy, but that's how I like to look at it. I can get very depressed sometimes, and I'll beat myself up for the mistakes I've made in the past. But I have to keep reminding myself of the progress I've made so far.
  • 20Grit
    20Grit Posts: 752 Member
    You know my view on this, I just need to kick your *kitten* a few more times.
    and then a big hug!

  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Too many falls to count.

    Fat kid, fat teen, lost weight in my late teens, maintained until about 23, fell hard, regained it all, plus double.

    Took me 8 years of fits, starts, and failure to truly get back on track. By that point I had over 150lbs to lose in order to get lean.

    Now I'm less than 30 lbs from goal.

    If you want it badly enough, if being fat is no longer even an option because you LOATHE it so much, then you'll press on.

    But I won't kid you. If your motivation and drive aren't extremely strong, you will not likely make it. If you're struggling and still justifying fat as an option, you will take that option almost every time.

    Even when I was over 300lbs being fat was NOT a valid choice. Ever. It was always, always a matter of when I'd lose the weight, not if. There is no room for IFs.
  • lindanewland37
    lindanewland37 Posts: 38 Member
    I am 58 years old and have been overweight beginning in my 20's and wound up at my heaviest weight of 352 in my early 50's. I have tried to lose weight more times than I can count and have been pretty successful at losing numerous times - it's the keeping off part I have a problem with. About a year ago I was feeling so lousy I decided to go to a doctor - turns out I had extremely high blood pressure, diabetes and significant heart disease. I have lost 57 pounds since that time and am feeling much better. I lost 30 pounds in 2013 and started with MFP in January 2014 because I wanted to increase my focus. I also read that most people who are successful losing weight and keeping it off have some traits in common - logging their food was one of the traits and a friend had told me about being able to do that on MFP. I firmly believe this is the time that I will be successful in losing weight and keeping it off because if I don't I will die sooner rather than later. Aside from the not being ready to die yet part, I think the biggest change has been in my mindset. I finally made the mental transition from thinking of losing weight as a diet that would run for a period of time while I lost weight and then go back to "normal" behavior to thinking of it as being a lifestyle change as so many people on MFP have said in other post - this is just the way I live now. So I guess the answer to your question is - more times than I can count. How many Mondays and Jan 1st are there in 38 years? LOL
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    You know what needs to be done. Leave the past where it belongs. You are working towards a place in your life where you feel good about yourself ... you are willing to help others achieve their goals, make time for yourself to do the same.
  • ros2will3run
    ros2will3run Posts: 104 Member
    Well, you look so nice in your photo~! such great eyes..and a real cool dude!
    Hope you get to where you wanna go!! is short...find a girl!! if you want to!!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have not yet reached my "goal" but I originally just wanted to get back to my usual weight of 260-something, when I realized I was at 307 (all time highest weight in Nov 2008). I achieved that in a couple of years through walking a LOT and just cutting back on fast food breakfasts and Starbucks. Then I just kind of leveled off and stopped losing until I joined MFP (March 2013) and have lost more this way (reflected in my ticker). I don't feel that I have fallen off track in the year that I have been on MFP. At Christmas I was indulging in fudge or caramels daily, more than a couple...that wasn't so good and it did cause my loss to slow during that time. But it wasn't what I'd really call falling off the wagon, as I did not go over my calories. I just felt tired more often and lost more like 0.5 lb/week instead of my usual 1-1.5 lb. I'm at 190 right now but I plan to lose at least 20-25 more lb.

    I have not been what I'd call a yo yo dieter at all (never really tried to lose weight until I hit that unusual high of 307) ...but there was one other time in the past that I lost a significant amount of weight. I bounced from about 240 to 299 due to inactivity and steroids used to treat a serious spider bite. I was a single college student in my 20s so I just started drastically limiting my food and I got down to 227 (previously my lowest adult weight) by eating scrambled eggs, mushrooms, rice, and Diet Pepsi. It wasn't the worst I suppose, but definitely not as healthy as I eat now and definitely too few calories. I'd estimate most days were around 700 cal back then. I stayed around 227 for only about 6 months and when I started dating my now ex-husband, who proclaimed himself "fat & happy", I went back to eating badly and too much and quickly rocketed up to about 260 where I stayed for a decade.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Countless times. I started in June 2012...and I have fell AND GOT BACK UP many times through out. Either way - as long as if you keep going, youll get to your goal one day!
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    Well, you look so nice in your photo~! such great eyes..and a real cool dude!
    Hope you get to where you wanna go!! is short...find a girl!! if you want to!!
    Awww thnx and finding a girl hmmm well i've been with (without trying to sound arrogant) been with many girls in my lifetime and some of them broke my heart, thrown the pieces on the ground and than walked over it. Ofcourse i know this is just part of life but the past 2 years or so i havent dated many girls, maybe 4 or so, i know who i am but i am lacking self-confidence atm and also i have become really really picky, not that much on looks although i got some small things i prefer but more on character plus due my past i am not really easygoing (although i think i am, but got a manuel which people dont take the patience for to read)

    Also want to thank you other guys on your comments, although i know ofcourse that there are loads of people struggling out there but it is nice to read your stories.