battling emotional eating tendencies

Any suggestions??? I need to get a handle on stress eating. i've started walking and am waiting on T25 and Zumba to come in the mail. But, my major problem isn't exercise , it's emotional eating. I'm using my body media arm band, re-readingThe Body Fat Solution, by Tom Venuto. Looking for advice from someone whose been here and conquerored this.


  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    Hi - I found that I have to prevent myself from feeling bad, so if I keep myself calm and relaxed and not let things upset me, I wont get into that emotional place where i have to use food to feel better. I try to do relaxing things like when i feel stressed, go to the swimming pool and sometimes not even swim, but just enjoy the relaxation of the water. Sometimes I go aimlessly sightseeing, that takes my mind off food and removes the stress.

    So i think prevention is the key.
  • qfish
    qfish Posts: 16
    Make a plan! I like to plan the next day what I'll eat. I try to keep it flexible just in case I have to change up, but the I find myself having more self control.
  • Wandering_1
    Wandering_1 Posts: 95 Member
    Make a plan! I like to plan the next day what I'll eat. I try to keep it flexible just in case I have to change up, but the I find myself having more self control.

    I absolutely agree. If you can make yourself a menu for the week it really helps. Pre-cut veggies, weigh out nuts or popcorn and put in baggies so you can grab and go. Pre-make sandwiches you can eat as a snack. Sara Lee has the wheat bread that is 45 calories. Filling your fridge and pantry with the good healthy stuff will help big time. When you find yourself "losing it" brush your teeth. You won't eat and your teeth will be clean. LOL
  • qfish
    qfish Posts: 16
    Haha. That's a good tip. Brushing your teeth.
  • klaff411
    klaff411 Posts: 169 Member
    I've been a food addict my whole life...the only way I've found it was possible to stop was just will power and ketogenic diet.

    I cut out all the foods that I loved. much any refined carbs...its been a great help in controlling myself. Refined carbs spike your insulant which signals more consumption. Foods that are processed are scientifically designed to be addictive and create cravings. Clean eating means not eating lean cuisines or sandwiches. You need to cook fresh foods which are protein, fat, and fiber. That's what the human body was designed to survive on. Sugars are not, neither is refined carbs, remember that stuff you put in the body is poison. Soda is probably the worst.

    The other peice of advice is portion control. You need to pay attention to how much your consuming. Many people on here preach moderation. But if they were really paying attention to labels and weighing things. Well, it makes me wonder.

    Granted, I haven't had any of that stuff in almost a year. There are days I'll droll at the prospect of eating a muffin or pizza. But its just not worth it.

    You need to figure out what your x factor is. Mine is stress and boredom.

    Right now I"m struggling since I need to drop another 10 lbs very fast for my meps test coming up. But weight loss and changing habits takes time. If you can stop for a week it will get easier. If you screw up, just let it go, and start over the next day.
  • aliceinweightlossland
    There really isn't an easy solution. It takes practice... then that behavior modification slowly becomes routine, habitual. It takes substituting one behavior for another. Currently when you are feeling emotional or stressed, you eat. Do something new in its place. Get up and go for a walk. Play with your pet. Log into MFP and read through success stories. It doesn't really matter WHAT you do; it's all about changing your behavior. Keep in mind that this takes focused, conscious effort. You are retraining yourself. Eventually, it gets easier. But when it isn't, do something you love that does not involve food. You can love food, but it is only meant to be a solution for hunger - not life.
  • keepmovinstrong
    keepmovinstrong Posts: 101 Member
    Thanks. I needed that.:smile:
  • keepmovinstrong
    keepmovinstrong Posts: 101 Member
    Thanks sorry I didn't respond earlier. I've not been on in a while. Very helpful advice.:smile:
  • keepmovinstrong
    keepmovinstrong Posts: 101 Member
  • keepmovinstrong
    keepmovinstrong Posts: 101 Member
    Thanks aliceinweight. I'll give it a try. I needed that. I appreciate all the advice given. I'll take it all in and put it to good use. Thanks. I'm just now learning to use these message boards so if I'm slow in responding please forgive me. Again thanks for the advice.:smile: