Injured and want to lose weight

Summary: I got through 12 days of the 30DS before I injured myself. I can't foresee myself working out for the next month and don't want to risk it with exams looming ahead.

In the 12 days I did Jillian, I got great results, lost some weight and inches, but I don't want them to go to waste.

Can I eat 1200 calories and still lose weight? I plan to get back to Jillian after May.


  • bethwr1
    bethwr1 Posts: 21 Member
    What sort of injury? I had been running about 30 miles per week when I developed a stress fracture. I switched to a Stairmaster because it was low\no impact. Surprisingly, I lost 4 pounds in a week!

    You may be able to work around your issue.
  • OkamiLavande
    OkamiLavande Posts: 336 Member
    Pilates, yoga, resistance bands, body weight exercises, and walking are all options depending on the type of injury you have.
  • english_geek007
    english_geek007 Posts: 10 Member
    I got rhabdomyolysis. I am prone to it. I made the mistake of doing Jillian twice within a 24 hour period and playing soccer. That exerted me too much and I had an acute case of rhabdo.
  • the_dude00
    the_dude00 Posts: 1,056 Member
    Summary: I got through 12 days of the 30DS before I injured myself. I can't foresee myself working out for the next month and don't want to risk it with exams looming ahead.

    In the 12 days I did Jillian, I got great results, lost some weight and inches, but I don't want them to go to waste.

    Can I eat 1200 calories and still lose weight? I plan to get back to Jillian after May.

    Injuries usually should just limit you instead on stopping you. I.e. If you hurt you leg there is nothing stopping you from working out your upper body with weights. If hurt upper , don't stop working out your lower body. I bet there are some exercises you can do with your injury