Returning User :)

Hey all, I have been using MFP for a bit and have had some good success with it. My biggest issue is I get lazy and just don'r enter my food and keep track like I should. Lazy is just it... I need to re-find my motivation and keep on track with my nutrition. I LOVE to exercise and have some great workouts that I do daily. It's just logging in all the food that can get cumbersome for me from time to time. How do you guys stay motivated to enter all your data day in and day out. I'm all ears and would love some advice from fellow community users. Much thanks in advance and I hope all of you are doing well with all of your goals.



  • 4aces61
    4aces61 Posts: 292 Member
    Logging everyday can def be a pain. However, you're doing the hardest part, working out. the logging is just the icing on the cake so to speak. I do mine as I go throughout the day, that way it's a lil easier, for me anyway. This site has proved to be a very useful tool. I enjoy seeing my daily intake and exercise. I feel I can stay on top of my program better.