Hello Everyone

My name is Glynda and I'm 56 years old. All the women in my life were overweight, and were good cooks. I love to eat and I am a food addict.:devil: I retired in February and I have put on another 10 lbs. I started a diet in June and stayed on it for about 4 weeks. Lost 11 lbs and have gained 5 lbs of it back. My joints hurt and I just don't feel good at 205 lbs. I started walking a week ago and on Friday, I made a life style change -Counting Calories - Eating Healthy. Discovered this site on my cell phone and love it. :heart:


  • nalia08
    nalia08 Posts: 252
    Welcome to MFP! This is a good site to help along with your journey! Once you find out what works for you, it will be all down hill from there! I think you can do it! One day at a time!
  • glyndam
    glyndam Posts: 18
    Thanks. It looks like you are doing good. And you're right, it is ONE DAY AT A TIME! My biggest mistake is that I always stop tracking my food and exercise. This time I am going to stick with it. Good luck to you.
  • oddsonv
    oddsonv Posts: 21 Member
    This is such a great site and will really help you achieve your goals. The support here is wonderful! Good luck on your journey! You will do awesome!