How do you do it ?

MandeeSue Posts: 153
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
How in the world do you change the way you eat ? A way that you have known for so long...Ahh I wish I knew how to get past my love for food ! I want to eat healthy, I want to feel better, I want to look sexy...But how do I do it? I am a 24 year old stay at home mom with a 8 1/2 month old son. I can't even go to the bathroom, without him crawling along after me =) So how do I work out at home on days that I can't go to the gym. What kind of foods do I buy, and how do I prepare them ? These are things that are never thought in school, and in the long run really hurt you as you get older. Im set in my ways, and I hate it. I have been tracking calories for about a week now, and the first few days great !!! Today....HORRIBLE !! So how do you all do it ? How do you change your mind and the way it thinks about food ? I have even caught myseft eating when Im not hungrey...I really need some advice. I need this, I want to make my husband =) Please any and all advice greatly appreciated !

Thanks ~ Mandee


  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    You're not too old and set in your ways at 24:) it will get easier. If you log your calories you start to get a better idea about serving sizes and healthy substitutes. You'll have good days and bad days but soon the good days will outnumber the bad-you'll feel better when you eat better and then the bad stuff doesn't look as good. you have a new baby, give yourself a break sometimes.
    Welcome and good luck!
  • sjd2010
    sjd2010 Posts: 106
    I had to learn how to eat healthy because I had to take potassium pills because of the blood pressure medication I was also on. When I searched on the internet for high potassium foods I discovered fruits and veggies were the only way. I look on the internet for sights that have recipes that are low cal. I try not to eat processed foods because they are the worst culprits for either high fat or high sugar. Learng to read labels on all products, processed and nature. Good Luck.:drinker:
  • Use your son to help you lose weight. Have him sit on your foot and drag him around the house. Don't forget to change legs! He'll think it's great and it will work you out. Also, holding him in front of you with both hands, lift him up and down. It's a great upper body workout! As far as changing what you eat, grab an apple or banana for a snack. Or, if you're craving salt, toast with peanut butter works.

    Little steps to start. Don't try to change everything at once.
  • MandeeSue
    MandeeSue Posts: 153
    You're not too old and set in your ways at 24:) it will get easier. If you log your calories you start to get a better idea about serving sizes and healthy substitutes. You'll have good days and bad days but soon the good days will outnumber the bad-you'll feel better when you eat better and then the bad stuff doesn't look as good. you have a new baby, give yourself a break sometimes.
    Welcome and good luck!

    LoL....Well some days I do feel old =) I have been logging, just seems like Im getting worse. I would love to know what kind of foods to eat, and how to fight all the temptation...I can't help it..I just love FOOD !
  • A crockpot is your best friend at this point.. with a child esp! try out several different healthy recipes.. basically set it and forget it. I've posted a healthy crockpot recipe on here before, its deliciousss, (be careful tho, its so good some portion control may be difficult!).. or my favorite website to go onto is Just type in 'healthy' in the search box and it comes back with literally thousands of recipes.
    Here is mine:

    * 2 cans corn
    * 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts, uncooked, cubed
    * 2 cans black beans, rinsed and drained
    * 1 jar chunky salsa
    * 1/4 cup grated, sharp cheddar cheese (this is optional)

    add everything except cheese to crock pot.
    cook on low for about 8 hours, or high for about 5.. its amazing.. (it's actually better COLD)
    add cheese last 15 minutes.

    Good luck! =]
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    it is hard to tell what you are eating as your food diary is set to private. I think the easiest way to do it is to find healthy lowcal alternatives for your favorite foods. example I love ice cream, I was eating it almost every night. Now I am eating frozen yogurt , or skinny cow ice cream sandwiches or klondike slim bars. If you love spagetti try substituting it for marinara sauce. Try to find substitutes that you can live with. I find that popcorn or carmel corn rice cakes help with the munchies (you can eat quite a bit without alot of calories).As far as exercise try putting your baby in the stroller and going for a walk, put on some music and dance with him or do some exercise tapes when he is sleeping. Good luck on your journey stick with it , it will get easier. If you need any more help just ask. I hope this helped
  • angebean
    angebean Posts: 195 Member
    You have already come a long way by thinking about a healthier diet and lifestyle and acting upon it. Sometimes my diet sucks, but one thing that I know is that if a keep tempting foods in the house, I will eat them. Just don't buy the junk food and you wont have it to grab and eat on a whim. Keep lots of fruits and veggies around. Remember that snacking is ok and it's actually encouraged as long as you're getting the right foods. Snacks can be anything you want them to be, just try to stay 100 cals or less.

    As far as working out with your son... I tried to work out at home when my kids were littler and it seemed nearly impossible. Try things like doing squats while blow drying your hair, push ups while doing dishes, sit ups in bed or like the other person said, try to include your son in y our workouts. I know it's easier said than done, but in time, he'll even be trying to do the exercises with you!!!

    YOU CAN TOTALLY DO THIS! Good luck..
  • kyenne
    kyenne Posts: 22
    I totally understand I LOVE food too and it is hard but how I think of it now I just burned 400 calories doing a hard workout I'm not going to eat a 900 calorie meal and ruin that. I've just recently switched to all fresh fruits, veggies, meats, whole grain everything and I also drink a gallon of water a day. I feel amazing and enjoy putting the healthy foods into my body. Good ways to add some healthy flavor: Avacado to something boring (high in fats but healthy), nonfat plain yogurt i add honey and some craisins its awesome! just little things like that you have to be creative and it is hard and takes time but just stick in there!!

    I also wanted to say that I have an 8 month old son and I am home during the days with him so I understand the frustration. My husband and I get up at 5 am everday to do our workout videos before he wakes up and if we miss then I do it during one of his naps. Sometimes I will put him in his playpen so he can watch me and he likes that too. Just another suggestions good luck!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I know what you mean, I wanted someone to tell me what to eat, how much, what kind-and you can find diets like that-south beach is one, and I had my shopping list and I was like, I don't want to eat this. That's why no one can tell you what to eat, it's so individual. I did hear some advice I thought was good for guidance-have protein and fruit for breakfast (yogurt and berries for me), have protein and vegetables for lunch (could be salad, soup, sandwich) have fruit and protein for snack (apple and cheese/pb/nuts) and for dinner you can have protein, vegetable and whole grain.
    So I just make a list of the proteins I like, the fruits I like, the veggies, some whole wheat bread/wrap/crackers and think of the different combinations. If you want some cut of meat that is more fatty, just have less of it.
    it helped me, so I thought I would share...
  • blackbsm
    blackbsm Posts: 32 Member
    Congratulations on beginning this journey! First of has to be a mind set. I started my journey 7 weeks ago, and I just decided one day...enough is enough. I have a 15 year old daughter, and forever I have been telling myself that I have to get healthy for her. I finally realized...I have to do it for ME, so that I will be here for her. I want to be a part of all the important milestones in her life, and my ultimate goal is to one day be a grandmother that can run & play with my grandbabies.

    As difficult as it may can start with things that are really simple. Drink lots & lots of waters...I average 10-12 8oz glasses per day (they recommend at least 8). Eat plenty of fresh fruit & veggies. If you like salads, that is a good place to start, but watch the type of dressing you use.

    Use this site as a research tool. Visit the message boards and read everything, trust can gain a lot of useful information that way. Take the information you learn & start applying it. My trips to the grocery store take anywhere from 2-3 hours anymore...I read the labels on everything, trying to come up with better meal plans & how to prepare things in a more healthy and still tasty way.

    One major tip...sodium is the enemy. It causes water retention, so it is very helpful to watch this as can add it to your food diary in settings. Yes things taste better with sodium, but use can use numerous other spices to supplement the absence of sodium.

    If you like you can send me a friend request and I will supply all the support you need.
  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    My advise is that you need to say NO to the bad foods, not even a taste, get them out of the house so they are not tempting to you. Drink lots of water, of course and protein to keep you full, like tuna, boca burgers or low fat cheese. I have also found that you need to be in the right "mind-set" to get on track. If your heart is really not into it, it won't work, you have to be dedicated and really want to lose weight. Quit telling yourself that you love food, and tell yourself you want to get into those cute jeans! This site kicked me into gear and it will help you too! Good luck!
  • MandeeSue
    MandeeSue Posts: 153
    My advise is that you need to say NO to the bad foods, not even a taste, get them out of the house so they are not tempting to you. Drink lots of water, of course and protein to keep you full, like tuna, boca burgers or low fat cheese. I have also found that you need to be in the right "mind-set" to get on track. If your heart is really not into it, it won't work, you have to be dedicated and really want to lose weight. Quit telling yourself that you love food, and tell yourself you want to get into those cute jeans! This site kicked me into gear and it will help you too! Good luck!
    You are so right....I may enjoy food, but my body is begging me to hate it !! Some days I don't even won't to eat, but do it b/c I have too....I WANT CUTE JEANS !!
  • Theps
    Theps Posts: 15
    I'm on day two of trying to figure out how to do it. I've been yoyo dieting for probably 20 years. It is so easy to get discouraged but finding support may just be the answer I've been missing. After only two days I have had a lot of support here. I also started blogging what I'm feeling for the day. Probably won't do it everyday and don't even know if anyone reads it but makes me feel better writing it. Good Luck and we are here for you. :0)
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