Looking for support and friends!

I have been on MFP for almost 2 years and this is the first time I'm really reaching out. I really want to lose weight and eat healthier, so I need some friends to keep me in line and make me accountable. :)

If you are in the same boat, please add me! I've found that I have terrible willpower (especially with alcohol!) and I really need some positive people in my life.


  • rissa876
    rissa876 Posts: 38 Member
    I think it helps to be involved in a community like MFP to keep weight loss goals. Funny thing for me is I started MFP about 2 years ago before my wedding. It was nice to have like minded people to help out. Then I got comfortable and was so easy to forget logging in my meals and the weight I lost, I gained back. So frustrating and I did it to myself lol. Add me if you like, I am back for a long committed time.
  • Ruth4111gut
    Ruth4111gut Posts: 289 Member
    Feel free to add me open dairy!
  • pennyks88
    pennyks88 Posts: 167 Member
    Rissa876, I did exactly the same thing! I started on MFP to lose weight for my wedding. I lost about 6 pounds but I wasn't trying as hard as I could have. After the wedding (October 2013), I gained it all back. I am really ready to get rid of this extra weight once and for all!
  • DefiningMyHealth
    DefiningMyHealth Posts: 92 Member
    I added ya! :)
  • nikkiheat7
    add me, I log in daily! :smile:
  • CLessBeth
    CLessBeth Posts: 46
    I log in everyday! I will add anyone needing motivation and support .. I could use as much of that
    And friends as I can get right now! Good luck on your weight loss journeys peeps!
    :) and have a great day!