1200 calorie myth



  • kittiesandfarts
    kittiesandfarts Posts: 101 Member
    Maintaining/losing/gaining weight requires us to pay attention to the signals our bodies give us. I'm a believer in setting a reasonable calorie limit based on height, weight, and activity. 800 calories everyday seems like it would be unhealthy for almost everyone. But an 800 calorie day here and there when you're stressed or busy isn't going to kill you. But it certainly isn't a reasonable daily goal. Which is why people who do that often experience extreme fatigue, hunger, hair loss, and an inability to regulate body temperature.

    Listen to your body. If you're lethargic and can't concentrate eat and drink water. Each person has a different ideal daily calorie intake and that ideal can change day to day based on activity levels. So let's all be gentle with ourselves and respect what our body tells us.
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    ...ever heard of BMR?
    The amount you burn resting doing absolutely nothing is around 1200. Therefore, if you eat less than this a day, you're just gonna have no energy at all, and risk having an eating disorder, becoming anorexic, etc.

    Calorie restriction doesn't = eating disorder. A lot more has to happen to be Anorexic.
  • Papaepic
    Papaepic Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the correction. I wasn't around then, and was repeating something someone told me. Guess that'll teach me to look it up first. :blushing:
  • Amelia7779
    Amelia7779 Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks for the correction. I wasn't around then, and was repeating something someone told me. Guess that'll teach me to look it up first. :blushing:

    You actually are not wrong in that the RDI's were developed in WWII, it's just that it was in the early 40's, not the 50's. They were developed with service members, overseas relief forces and potentially vulnerable populations in mind.
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    RDA is minimum requirements...

    and I would love to see me get enough protien (120g) on 1200 calories...

    and on 1200 calories you lose muscle along with fat and you are weak, lethargic, hair gets brittle, nails don't grow well and are thin...

    your body needs fuel and 1200 calories is not enough to fuel your body at rest let alone doing regular daily activity and never mind adding in exercise...

    This is not true for everyone. I've been doing it for months and have seen no side effects other than a consistent loss of about 1.2 pounds a week.
  • bshot1
    bshot1 Posts: 44
    ...ever heard of BMR?
    The amount you burn resting doing absolutely nothing is around 1200. Therefore, if you eat less than this a day, you're just gonna have no energy at all, and risk having an eating disorder, becoming anorexic, etc.
    Anorexia involves body dysmorphia, not caloric restriction.

    With that said, MFP actually set my caloric restriction below my basal metabolic rate. Been on this for about 2 months, no real noticeable difference in energy.
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    All I know is that eating so few calories, especially if you are working out, makes you feel tired and hungry all the time. And it also seems unsustainable for a lifetime.

    I am losing 1 lb./week on 1600-1800 calories per day (and I work out) and the changes I'm making are easy, doable, and something I can follow for the rest of my life.

    For folks who want to lose faster, maybe 1200 calories works, but not sure it's sustainable long term. But then again, plenty of people (the vast majority) lose weight and then regain it plus more, with very restrictive dieting.
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    All I know is that eating so few calories, especially if you are working out, makes you feel tired and hungry all the time. And it also seems unsustainable for a lifetime.

    I am losing 1 lb./week on 1600-1800 calories per day (and I work out) and the changes I'm making are easy, doable, and something I can follow for the rest of my life.

    For folks who want to lose faster, maybe 1200 calories works, but not sure it's sustainable long term. But then again, plenty of people (the vast majority) lose weight and then regain it plus more, with very restrictive dieting.

    Not necessarily... It might make YOU feel that way but may not translate the same for someone else. I'm not advocating pro or con, just saying what is working and sustainable for you might not be the same answer for the next person.
  • SnazzIT
    SnazzIT Posts: 215 Member
    I have logged in for 43 days (in a row) as of today, and I started at 1000 a day whilst walking over 5KMs a day. I initally lost weight but then it came to halt where my scale never changed for almost 4 days. I realised after reading other's blogs and doing online research that I needed to up my calorie intake the further I walk in KMs so I upped to 1200 and have been on it since. I am losing from a pound to 2 a week now. I am nearing 60KMs a week in my walk so I will need to up it again to 1500 calories/day so that my body has enough fuel.

    Hope that helps :)
  • Beet_Girl
    Beet_Girl Posts: 102
    But seriously, 2 year olds need 1,000-1,400 calories a day. I think a fully grown adult needs more food than a toddler in order to function.

    Have you ever been a parent? Those kids have crazy energy and move wayyy more than I ever do.