walking on rest days?

i found a half mile route and a 1 mile route close by that i can walk (cant walk ON my road, i'd be smooshed, but these are less than 1/4 mi drive) i'm going to see about a longer route once this is more routine. i plan to go every day after lunch.

if i walk on rest days from strength training, is that still "rest"? is it ok to add that on days i do strength training? other than my daily chasing after a two year old and household work, i'm pretty sedentary. i sit and crochet with the tv on much of the day (for my biz) and i drive about 350 miles a week.

but spring is in the air and it's been such a long winter and i just HAVE to get some fresh air before i strangle someone.

also, on that note, does playing with the kids at the playground (going up stairs, down slides, pushing them on the swings, etc) count as exercise? how would i log that? just as walking? or would it contribute to my overall daily activity level?


  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Unless you're in extremely bad shape walking is not that taxing on the body. I don't think you have anything to worry about.
  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    Unless you're in extremely bad shape walking is not that taxing on the body. I don't think you have anything to worry about.

    perfect. thats what i thought, but figured it didnt hurt to double check.

    it's a perfect day for a walk too, i think i'll drag the kids with me. :)