C25K does it work?

I am starting C25K today and I was wondering if anyone has any feedback on this program. Does it work? Any tips? I am not looking to lose a lot of weight, I mainly want to tone and strengthen, will this program help?


  • emmabooth32
    emmabooth32 Posts: 10 Member
    Yes it does help........it means you can eat treats and still lose weight. I lost 4 stone in just under a year and still eat sweets and cakes (all counted for in daily calories). I think running has played a big part. I was a proper couch potato and would never run even a few steps. It took me longer to reach the 5k than the programme says and I had to repeat some weeks. Some times I felt a bit frustrated and thought I was never going to do it...........but I have now done 10k and am training for my first half marathon!
  • Spooky_Scully
    Spooky_Scully Posts: 73 Member
    I'm doing the C25K "Zombies, Run" program. It's great fun, motivating and I'm finding its working so far (I'm a few weeks into the 5 week program). I've never run before, but I find I'm looking forward to each workout.
  • wycar
    wycar Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you, this gives me hope that I will be able to accomplish my goals.
  • eat_run_play
    eat_run_play Posts: 30 Member
    I did c25k in June of 2012 and I now have been running regularly for almost 2 years and have done over a dozen races from my first 5k in August 2012 to several 10ks and even a 5k on a cruise. It works if running turns out to be something you enjoy. Sign up for a 5k a few months from now and it will help motivate you.
  • Efflictim
    Efflictim Posts: 147 Member
    Yes it works. Im on my last 2 weeks and i can run a mile an a half easily.
    At first i could barely run 1 minute. It definitely builds you up slowly and steadily.
    I plan on doing the 10k trainer when im done the 5k.
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    In terms of fitness it's a really good program. It's not about losing weight but by completing it if you then stick to trying harder it will be very helpful in weight loss.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    I'm in Week 3. I'm 50, in okay shape but nothing to write home about (or post on MFP message board lol) and it has helped me. Just having the step-by-step idiotproof guidance has helped me stick with it.

  • badbcatha05
    badbcatha05 Posts: 200 Member
    Stick with it through the whole thing, it absolutely works.
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    Yes! It really worked for me. I found a podcast with music. It has a different one for each day of the workout. The music isn't that great but I like the guys voice.

    If you want the podcast I can upload to dropbox for you if you message me.
  • dortilolma
    dortilolma Posts: 103 Member
    It certainly does work!

    I used to hate running, despised having to do it in school and the idea of it repelled me for years after. Then I started C25K.

    Now I have to actively stop myself from running every day and limit myself to 5 days a week. My over all mood improved, I had way more energy and I feel it has really helped in my weight loss.

    So yes, I would recommend it. :)
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I am starting C25K today and I was wondering if anyone has any feedback on this program. Does it work? Any tips? I am not looking to lose a lot of weight, I mainly want to tone and strengthen, will this program help?

    I used C25K about 11 months ago, took 12 weeks instead of nine, largely because of diary issues that got in the way of a couple of weeks. I've lost a couple of stone and reduced my bodyfat percentage significantly.

    I've moved on to 10km distance and working on my time at the moment, I can get a 55 minute 10k at the moment. When I finish this improvement plan I'm moving up to Half Marathon distance.

    When I tried to run in the past I had consistent injury problems, haven't had any injury problems this time at all.
  • Supadoopafly
    Supadoopafly Posts: 248 Member

    I've gotta say I am thoroughly enjoying it. I've always wanted to be a runner, have tried the Couch to 5k progam lots of times and just not got passed week 3 due to lack of motivation.

    I start week 7 tomorrow. I'm 320lbs - when I've attempted this plan before I've been much lighter!

    I am really enjoying it.

    Don't know if it has helped me lose weight but then I'm not very good at the diet bit, I've lost about 9lbs sine starting. My fitness has increased greatly though.

    Weeks 1-3 I did 2/3 of my runs on the treadmill and one outdoors. Now I just do them all outdoors, the idea running for 25 mins on a treadmill depresses me!

    The podcast I started with was Suzi's www.kissmyblackass.org/podcasts, now I use NHS Choices, which was much better as they give tips on breathing, running technique and pace during the run which is invaluable.

    My biggest tip is to go slow. I wrote something on my feed today which said something along the lines of the C25k teaches you to run in weeks 1-5 after the 3rd run of week 5, it teahces you about the mentality of running and you realise it's a lot more psychological than physiological.

    Best of luck! X