Why i started my fitness journey?

Why did i start this journey? Well it all started when my Doctor said i had to take "Medication for life" to keep my "Thyroid" and "Blood Pressure" in control. For "Life?" I didn't like the idea and that is when i decided to find alternative to medication.

Initial Plan: I started researching what the medication contained and wanted to find any/all natural food that contained same ingredients. I found some food that i should avoid for Blood Pressure but not much.

Secondly some of them were never found in natural food for instance "Thyroid Harmon" or "Vitamin D". I was stuck

Next Step: I started staring at the wall for hours together a.k.a. thinking, that is when it occurred to me that may be my body is supposed to can produce but was not able for some reason.

after more reading, I found my body was working overtime in taking care of other critical things (Heart, Brain, Lungs ,Liver etc.) and does not have time for low priority tasks; but why? Something was keeping it busy.
Well finds out, there was lot of Junk which was slowing down the process (traffic jam) and unless I clear the traffic nothing much was going to improve.
Final Approach: Now i have an idea about what might be wrong and what needs to be done.
1. I started eating healthy; this lead to decrease in Junk intake. Stopping any more traffic to flow in.
2. Started working out. Clearing the existing traffic Jam.
3. After 10 weeks of cleanup, my body not only had traffic free route but now have more energy and time to concentrate on everything (not just critical components)

Future: I have decided to keep maintaining this process. I know I still have some junk left but eventually it will be all out.