Keeping secrets???



  • Schmiznurf
    My ball and chain knew straight away, as did my father-in-law, but only because he took me to the shop so I could buy my stuff. Anyone else that knows found out after a few days once I was definitely sticking to it.
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    I haven't made my goal public knowledge, but everyone knows I'm working hard, since MFP posts on facebook when I log a weightloss, and they see my updates when I'm proud of myself. I've only gotten support and encouragement from all of my family and friends.
  • dortilolma
    dortilolma Posts: 103 Member
    I decided to keep it to myself - didn't even tell my fiancee in the first week.
    Main reason for not telling people was the fact I tend to get the "but you're fine - you don't need to lose weight". And then they try to convince me to eat more. I get where they are coming from - I have a history of eating disorders and friends worry about me - but I'm not happy at my current, weight, shape, size & fitness level, so I'm doing something about it.

    My fiancee did figure it out and I told my mother who was supportive but with that slight edge of worry given my history. My finacee knows about it so keeps me in check. I did mention it to a friend yesterday along with why I was keeping it to myself for the most part - she nodded, said "fair enough" and we moved on to another topic of discussion.

    I'm one of those people who only has 20lbs to lose - but I have forever been trying to lose that 20lbs. It's that final bit that just refuses to budge and then when it does it creeps back on over the years. That being said I don't really like comparing my situation to people who have a very different journey to travel. In fact, I'm in awe of some of the weight loss stories I have seen here.