Advocare Yes or No?



  • bcdudley1
    bcdudley1 Posts: 26 Member
    I did the Advocare 24 day challenge and it was a great jumpstart for me. I lost almost 20 pounds while doing it. The trick was I was very strict on the program as to what I ate and drank. I know other people who did it and did not loose anything at all. Some even gained.

    For me, I knew that I had spent the money on it and I was not going to let it go to waste. I was an excellent motivator. After I finished the 24 day challenge, I continued eating healthy and started counting my calories on MFP. I also started working out at a local gym and have lost an additional 35 pounds

    I do not think that without that initial jumpstart, I would have ever gotten started and lost what I have.
  • MrsSki38
    MrsSki38 Posts: 68 Member
    I recently did the 10-day cleanse. not sure what it cleansed tho. I really liked the Spark but only because it tasted yummy. Didn't boost my energy or do anything different for me. I didn't like all the pills that were required. I'm not a pill taker at all. I did start eating better during the cleanse and I've kept at it so if anything, that was the only good thing that came out of the $80 spent.
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    I vote No. Get you mom on MFP for free, I did. :) Also $500 is insane! I looked it up on amazon just for *kitten* sake since I know nothing about it and it's under $200 on there. Seems to me, she can do the same thing, minus all the pills, with just eating less and moving more.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    I don't know much about advocare at all, but my mom jumped me yesterday asking if she could borrow $500 to start advocare. She knows I've been trying to lose weight and wants to join, but I like more of the exercise and healthy food approach rather than relying on products that aren't sure to work. Her friend has been using the spark drink for 3 years now, but she isn't by any means thin or in shape, but mom says that it will work for her because she is going to do a 24 day cleanse or something. I don't know. I just wanted to get your opinions before I give her my month's paycheck.
    It is a sad day when a mother asks the daughter for $500.

    Dont lend her the $$ for it. If she truly wants it she can save up and do it herself.

    Now, for advocare. Jus like anything else, it may work if you do it to a T, but it isnt a magic solution and you still ahve to do much of the same things to lose weight that you can do FOR FREE.

  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    and before anyone says that losing weight takes $$$ for supplements, more healthy food, programs like advocare...

    that is total BS.

    By simply eating a calorie deficient, and partaking in something as cheap and easy as walking, one can lose weight AND bulk up their bank account.
