Weight loss help


My bmr is 1400

I do 1 hour cardio burning 800 calories a day mon to Friday.

I been advise to do a 1200 calorie diet.

Does this mean I consume 1200 calories or 2000 to make up for the cardio.

I'm not sure what all this means,

I have tried this for a week and not much change. I been doing the cardio and consuming 1200 calories.

Thanks for any advice


  • 2000 cals to eat :-) the other way would only give you 400 net which isnt good

    good luck
  • Your bmr is what you'd burn if you just stayed in bed all day breathing. You burn more than that with everyday activities. If you exercise as well, you need to eat more, maybe not necessarily everything you burn, but you need to take care of your body. If you Google scoobyworkshop, put in your info and look at what your goal is! It gives a pretty accurate idea as to what you should be eating for your age and size, with your goals taken into consideration.