Shouldn't I be Eating When I'm Hungry??



  • LoseYouself
    LoseYouself Posts: 249 Member
    I'm guessing that you chose 2lb/week? Try 1lb/week instead. It will assign a more reasonable deficit.

    This ^^

    Or even 1.5 lb/week.

    I've tried many times to do 2 lbs per week. I'm very active so that would bring me up to 1700-1800 on workout days, and a pathetic 1200 on rest days, but I found rest days are when I'd be the most hungry!

    So I changed my calorie goal, but instead of the MFP "eating back your calories" method, I took more of the TDEE approach and readjusted my calorie goal to be 1800 per day regardless of whether it's a workout day or rest day. That way it's more even and I'm not starving on rest days. Make sense? When I readjusted it to make it 1800 per day, it showed me that I'll actually lose 1.3 lbs/week, which is only 0.7 lbs less per week to have 1800 per day, and have much more energy for my workouts! It seems pointless for myself to set my goal as 2 lbs per week because I tend to have less energy to workout.. so I workout less, then get a smaller calorie goal which perpetuates the cycle.

    I'd definitely lower your weekly weight loss goal just for a few weeks to see how you feel. You might find you feel MUCH better, and that weight loss will be more enjoyable. It shouldn't be a miserable process!

    Good luck! :happy:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Calorie amount does matter in the sense that you are eating enough to be satisfied, but what I meant was focus more on what you are eating and don't worry so much about the amount. Your body knows best, so listen to it.
    No. If our bodies all knew best, we wouldn't need this site, now would we?

    OP, your hunger signals are all messed up, because being overweight throws off the hormones that regulate hunger. Plus you're eating less than your body is used to eating, so it's going to respond by telling you you're hungry.

    You need to track and log and stick to your goals.
  • LoseYouself
    LoseYouself Posts: 249 Member
    You all are lifesavers, literally! After reading what everyone had to say, I'm going to revisit my goals...and consider the amount I want to lose per week. I'm looking for results, but ultimately I'm also looking for something sustainable and long term.

    This week I'm going to see what happens with changing my weekly goal to a 1-1.5 lb loss, and report back.

    Thank you!


    Optimistic :happy:

    A week later after increasing my weight loss goal to 1lb a week, and increasing my caloric intake to about 1600 calories, I am happy to report that I am no longer hungry AND I lost more than 1lb this past week. I had a 2.5 lb lost to be exact. Thanks again everyone for the suggestions.


    FULL :wink:

    I just saw this after writing my previous reply, oops.

    Congrats! I'm glad lowering your weekly weight loss goal made you feel better AND produced results that you're happy with. Keep it up! :)