Numb Toes

Does anyone know why some of my toes would go numb when I run or use the elliptical?? At first
I thought it was the insoles in my shoes that help support my high arch from falling. Then I took those back and it happened again to me this evening. It never happens when I walk in the shoes. Also the bottom of my feet hurt with or without those insoles. Any ideas???


  • gonesewing
    gonesewing Posts: 63 Member
    You really should talk with a doctor to be sure. For me, it is my left big toe that goes numb and has a blue look to it. I went to the doctor and he checked it out for me, something about the way the artery in my foot runs and sometimes the blood flow is less. He had a name for it but I dont remember what it was, it is quite common. He checked to make sure it was not blocked first with a Doppler (the one they use to find the babes heartbeat while preg) he could not find it with his finger because of the strange position and it was not were he expected it to be. I just move my foot around and rub a bit and it seems to help. This usually only happens after I do a step class or some high impact exercise.
  • hei_ma_ma
    hei_ma_ma Posts: 61 Member
    I don't know but my feet fall asleep on the elliptical and on the stair stepper. Not just my toes - my entire foot goes totally numb. Last time I thought I might fall off. I had to take a break to get the blood flowing again. I think it's not the shoes, it's something about the body position on the machines. You are locked into the movement dictated by the machine. That can't be good. My solution was to quit using the elliptical and only occasionally use the stair stepper. Hiking, walking, or jogging outside don't make my feet fall asleep.
  • The exact same thing happened to me. I've switched my running technique from heel strike to forefoot running - wow, what a difference! No more numbness :)