Can it be real weight loss?

WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been having a rough few weeks where the scale hasn't even moved an ounce. I weigh myself daily and have never seen a 2.2lb drop in 1 day. I recorded yesterday for the October challenge and then recorded today because I like the Sunday weigh ins. When I recorded my weight yesterday I was iffy because after no major loss and my scale not budging for 5 straight days I just didn't think the weight was right. When I weighed in this morning I was even more shocked since it was 2.2lbs less then the weight I didn't believe possible

Could I just be catching up after no loss? Just a mistake or can I happily settle into the 130's?


  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    First of all Congratulations for your weight loss and getting into the 130's. That is awesome. I think, that sometimes we are losing weight, but our bodies retain water for whatever reason. So, while you didn't see the decline on the scale, you were probably losing weight, but the water retention caused the scales to stay the same - finally, your body was probably able to process the excess fluids and so the scale depicts the true loss. I'd go with the number you had today. Recommend celebrating appropriately in your newest success.

  • Tasha1476
    Tasha1476 Posts: 220
    I can't speak for others, but I lost about 1.6 or so coming off my plateau (since I have wii fit-- I weigh every day or the crazy little board yells at me) it didnt move at all for 2 weeks then all of a sudden 1.6 was gone, and I have since maintained and even lost a bit more.

    Its not incredibly common but as long as you continue your same regimen I can't see why not get excited and comfy in the 130s (congrats BTW.)
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    Did you double check it by reweighing yourself? If it shows the loss twice then enjoy the loss! Grats!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I did reweigh on bathroom scale and it I can often get a difference of 3-5lbs within minutes with my bathroom scale. I did get actually less then what the wii said. When I did the wii it was 138.7 and I did my bathroom scale twice and the first it was 138.4 and the second was 137 and that was after I was up for a bit and wearing tank top and pants. I generally weigh myself on the wii in the exact same thing, so I was wearing more on the bathroom scale. Maybe I will hop on the wii again just to see.

    I guess it can be true. I just found it odd. Since the scale stopped moving I have had bad days where I am well into the red and have not been really exercising much. I completed my Wii EA Sports 6 week challenge and tried Slim in 6 but gave up after day 4 or 5 and other then 1 night on the treadmill exercise has been rare. I plan to pick it up again now that I am so close to my goal.
  • vencellia
    vencellia Posts: 89 Member
    Congrats enjoy the lost you are in the 130's wtg!! You have weighted in twice so it has to be accurate!!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Well I guess I will take it! I just weighed on the wii again and it was says 138.5 and my bathroom scale says 137 so either way I am just happy to be rid of 142!!

    Thanks all :flowerforyou:
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