Your thoughts on "Cheat" days



  • EllenTebbits
    EllenTebbits Posts: 37 Member
    That concept, eating at maintenance every ten pounds makes a lot of sense to me.
  • kuolo
    kuolo Posts: 251 Member
    Nothing wrong with it if it works for you. It's not disordered eating. That's like saying IF is disordered. Or saying exercising to eat more is bulimic.
    But if it causes you problems or gets out of control then maybe not such a good idea. Also would recommend tracking calories even on cheat days so you know your overall totals. Obvs if you eat 10000 in one day it's going to affect your weight loss, so you need to practice some degree of moderation. And yes overeating to that extent would be a red flag in terms of your eating habits.
    I have a day where I eat quite a lot every now and then, because I choose to. There is a big difference between consciously choosing to eat above your calorie goal occasionally and bingeing.
    At the end of the day you're the only person who can figure out what works for you and what doesn't, we're all different.
  • greglumpkin
    greglumpkin Posts: 24 Member
    I think "cheat days" are OK, as long as they don't become habitual. If you are making steady progress, and know you can jump back on your plan the next day, then eating things you love, but that might not be the most healthy for you, is good for you mentally.

    Now let me explain what I mean by "good for you mentally".

    Back before my wife and I were married, we did Weight Watchers. I lost over 100 pounds doing it, but I didn't exercise one bit and I denied myself everything I loved. Candy, pizza, etc. One Halloween, we found ourselves with leftover candy. I ate one piece of chocolate and the flood gates opened. I started eating all the things I'd been denying myself for well over a year and I went straight back up to 300 pounds. I stayed there for a few more years while I tried unsuccessfully to diet. Then I discovered MyFitnessPal and more importantly, the joy of physical exercise.

    Now to my point, I've steadily lost over seventy pounds since April of last year. Were there weeks when I was up instead of down? Absolutely. But when I look at the OVERALL loss that I've done, I'm on track and happy. I weigh in on Saturday mornings and I sometimes overdo it food-wise on that day. Especially when I have a good weigh-in. Sometimes to the point of twice what I'm allowed! But I know that come Sunday morning, I'm back on the plan and I stick to it for the rest of the week until the next Saturday weigh-in.

    It seems to work for me since, just like this past Saturday night, I had a desire for a good cheeseburger. We went to Chili's and I indulged. Now, I'm satisfied and can eat within my range the rest of the week because I'm not longing for something and constantly being denied it, even if it is just by me.I don't know if any of what I've written made sense. I hope it did and I hope it helped.

    It's Monday morning and I need my coffee. :-)

    Have a great day!
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    I have had 5 cheat days last year, works xmas party (7 vodkas and I hadn't drunk in ages), morning after works xmas party ( craved carbs all day and ate them), and 3 days over xmas (went to stay with kids and had to convince them I was not anorexic ;-)
    Before and after these events I ate a little less and exercised a little harder for a few days. But in general, I have a new lifestyle and I do not want need or have cheat days. I do have treat meals now and then, I eat a little less during the day, and I have a nice dinner, I don't go mad, and I log it all. I even have the all you can eat buffet down to a fine art now, 2 plates of fish salad and veggies and a small serve of something off the desert stand and a cup of soft serve, and it comes in around 1000 calories. But you know what, I actually have a stomach ache and can barely walk after. Hard to believe I used to stuff 3 plates of dinner and 3 plates of desert!
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    I'm fairly relaxed about things over the weekend. I eat only when I'm hungry, stop when I'm full etc (so I haven't reverted back to old habits), but I do tend to eat over a deficit at least one of the days. I usually do more exercise though with extra swimming and walking with family though.

    I don't think of baking with my son or having a drink/meal with friends as a cheat day though and whilst it has probably slowed down my weight loss, I'm intentionally losing weight slowly, so it doesn't bother me. I drink beer and eat cheese (just not 6 pints or a whole camembert) and lose most weeks, occasionally maintain and rarely gain.
  • TinaLauritsen
    TinaLauritsen Posts: 52 Member
    In the beginning I would be like, uhh yes cheat day!!! And then go crazy! But I didn't take me long to see that it didn't do me any good, I would hate myself the next day when I saw my weight, and even more, when it took a week to get back to where I was before the cheat day. So now I will just do one meal a week, which typical is if I go out for dinner, and then just try to eat well for the rest of the week, and find thing that I can eat a little of, but still really enjoy(like nuts and dried fruits, and a small piece of dark chocolate, so I don't feel deprived of anything. Like Greek yogurt blended with mixed berries, it is the best thing ever! :love:
    It's all about portion control, and once I realized that it's been going so much better. :smile:
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    NO need for "cheat" days

    Nothing is cheating

  • conquertheself
    conquertheself Posts: 91 Member
    Thank you all for your input. Everyone has some interesting thoughts and good points. Personally Id agree that there should not be a cheat meal or a cheat day although it's not so bad to over indulge once in a while. Best way is to eat what we like but in moderation and always make healthier choices and healthier alternatives.