
Is it worth the money?


  • aprilw2222
    aprilw2222 Posts: 23 Member
    I looked into this too, but what I have to wonder is if you start using this product and lose weight you will then want to keep using it. So you will end up paying thousands of dollars a year to drink a shake. I am skeptical of these types of things because they promise results but once you are addicted to their product you won't ever want to not have it. I am just not willing to pay $129 a month for protein shakes. I would look into making your own and using good wholesome natural foods.
  • DJtrvl
    DJtrvl Posts: 14 Member
    I've tried it, it is a decent shake, but their is nothing magical about it you couldn't get from a protein shake and some vitamins.
    I'm sure you be be hammered with private mssg's from "coaches" offering to send you a sample if you want to try it.
    If budget is not an issue you could give it a shot and I'm sure you will be happy with the product.
    If budget is an issue like it is for many, me included, you can find cheaper alternatives.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Prepare to be contacted by fifty coaches claiming that you'll lose tons of weight and a bunch of stuff about magical super foods inside the shakes!!!! Lol
  • _MG_
    _MG_ Posts: 453 Member
    I'm willing to bet you can eat right and lose weight without having to pay for prepacked shakes.
  • keljb
    keljb Posts: 4 Member
    I buy total lean 25 from GNC! I use vanilla every morning but Sundays. I start every morning with a protein shake. I add fruit, flax, and I use coconut water or almond milk (the unsweetened plain). You could add veggies also. I put it my vitamix with some ice and yummy! It fills me up and gives 25 grams of protein and plenty of vitamins. I usually run within a couple of hours of drinking one and I have energy to get through 6 miles. I have lost 18 pounds since Jan.