Here I go again

I have have lost 25 pounds since January, however since embarking on an international move, the weight is creeping back on. I've gained at least 7 pounds. I'm trying to nip the weight gain in the bud and get back on track. I'd like to loose 15-20 pounds from where I am now.
I eat a healthy variety of foods, just too much. I don't drink enough water. I run on the treadmill 3 times a week. I try to run outside once a week, but that doesn't always happen. Husband is on board with support, but not 100% on board with me doing an overhaul on the menu.
I currently stay at home with my amazing 2yo son until I find a job.
I think that's it by way of intro.
I think what I really need, in addition to the MFP tools, is a network that will hold me accountable and allow me to join them on this weight loss journey. Add me a friend.


  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    Welcome! I find that even relatively healthy eaters have a hard time losing. If I work out more, I'm hungrier and I eat more. Tracking your food really really helps and its easy here.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Have sent a friend request. My food diary is public. Good luck to you!