65 pounds to lose in 5 months! (my story)



  • YukiValentine
    YukiValentine Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks everyone so much for the advice and support! I shall try my best to hit 1200 but my dietitian told me that the way I'm eating right now is fine and totally healthy. I also read that starvation mode doesn't exist from other forums so I don't think it's possible, plus I never experienced it. But for sure I won't rush, whatever most I can get without hurting myself would be great~

    You may draw comment on starvation mode, I personally follow the direction of my nutiritionist, doctor and my slimming group in the calories I have and the belief there is no "starvation mode". If you put less calories in your body then you burn then you will lose weight.

    A good thing to do is work out your BMR to see what your body burns without exercise added.

    right! I have the fitbit flex band and it pretty much tells me my bmr daily along with what I lose from the walking I do. I mean, I'm a pretty small person, so needing 1200 calories seems way too much to me. I can barely finish a meal that's around 500-600 calories plus 8 glasses of water a day plus an extra glass for every 25 pounds overweight I am. But I'll talk to them again and see if I really do need 1200, if I do. I'll try to force in some fruit or something. I'm barely ever hungry. I only eat about 2 times a day, Lunch and Dinner. I read somewhere that breakfast is not needed at all and fasting until lunch is the way to go. (plus I like to sleep in anyway) But with what the dietitian told me, I think it's still fine the way I am right now.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Thanks everyone so much for the advice and support! I shall try my best to hit 1200 but my dietitian told me that the way I'm eating right now is fine and totally healthy. I also read that starvation mode doesn't exist from other forums so I don't think it's possible, plus I never experienced it. But for sure I won't rush, whatever most I can get without hurting myself would be great~

    You may draw comment on starvation mode, I personally follow the direction of my nutiritionist, doctor and my slimming group in the calories I have and the belief there is no "starvation mode". If you put less calories in your body then you burn then you will lose weight.

    A good thing to do is work out your BMR to see what your body burns without exercise added.

    right! I have the fitbit flex band and it pretty much tells me my bmr daily along with what I lose from the walking I do. I mean, I'm a pretty small person, so needing 1200 calories seems way too much to me. I can barely finish a meal that's around 500-600 calories plus 8 glasses of water a day plus an extra glass for every 25 pounds overweight I am. But I'll talk to them again and see if I really do need 1200, if I do. I'll try to force in some fruit or something. I'm barely ever hungry. I only eat about 2 times a day, Lunch and Dinner. I read somewhere that breakfast is not needed at all and fasting until lunch is the way to go. (plus I like to sleep in anyway) But with what the dietitian told me, I think it's still fine the way I am right now.

    No, it's not. If you lose weight too quickly, it will have an impact. However, as you start, unless you are weighing and measuring your food you don't really know what you are eating, you very well may be eating more than you think, which in your case would be a good thing.

    Hunger is not really a good signal as to whether or not you are getting decent nutrition, just ask anyone who has ever had an eating disorder.

    While starvation mode is not a real thing, adaptive thermogenesis sure is. Here is some discussion for you on that:


    A great thread for anyone starting:

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Thanks everyone so much for the advice and support! I shall try my best to hit 1200 but my dietitian told me that the way I'm eating right now is fine and totally healthy. I also read that starvation mode doesn't exist from other forums so I don't think it's possible, plus I never experienced it. But for sure I won't rush, whatever most I can get without hurting myself would be great~

    Depends on what you mean by starvation mode.
    There are mythical effects, and there are true effects. May not be the best term to use, to close to "starving" which is different.




    As to never experiencing the true effect - you'd never even notice, until you wondered why the math was no longer working out.

    You've had several comments to about not being hungry on the little you eat - that shows lack of knowledge regarding hunger signs not being trustworthy when in a diet.

    Also, you said BMR when you meant TDEE for Fitbit.

    Also, you must have eaten a whole lot more in the past to get to the point where you need to lose now.

    So you have several points that show perhaps you need to continue researching. That's great dietitian said you were eating fine. This is certified licensed one, right, not someone at a gym.

    I would trust them more, though they don't even keep up on current studies and findings that would be useful.

    But if you are doing the Fitbit, there's a tool that should be used well, assuming you got it for helping with calorie goal.

    Do sync MFP and FitBit, take your 2 lb goal loss, and meet your daily goal for calories.

    Don't think you are going to outsmart it, because your body will fight you and win.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Thanks everyone so much for the advice and support! I shall try my best to hit 1200 but my dietitian told me that the way I'm eating right now is fine and totally healthy. I also read that starvation mode doesn't exist from other forums so I don't think it's possible, plus I never experienced it. But for sure I won't rush, whatever most I can get without hurting myself would be great~

    You may draw comment on starvation mode, I personally follow the direction of my nutiritionist, doctor and my slimming group in the calories I have and the belief there is no "starvation mode". If you put less calories in your body then you burn then you will lose weight.

    A good thing to do is work out your BMR to see what your body burns without exercise added.

    Might want to read and listen to the interesting research linked above, which has already been known for awhile.

    That you can actually affect what you burn by the amount you put in.

    You are correct though that eventually, keep putting less and less in, and you will no longer be able to cause it to slow down burning anymore.

    But where exactly are you left then? If the OP is averaging say 800, and since she will need to eat less as she weighs less - or constantly do more exercise, only place to move is down.
    That will be interesting if there is 20 more lbs to go.
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    Thanks everyone so much for the advice and support! I shall try my best to hit 1200 but my dietitian told me that the way I'm eating right now is fine and totally healthy. I also read that starvation mode doesn't exist from other forums so I don't think it's possible, plus I never experienced it. But for sure I won't rush, whatever most I can get without hurting myself would be great~

    You may draw comment on starvation mode, I personally follow the direction of my nutiritionist, doctor and my slimming group in the calories I have and the belief there is no "starvation mode". If you put less calories in your body then you burn then you will lose weight.

    A good thing to do is work out your BMR to see what your body burns without exercise added.

    Might want to read and listen to the interesting research linked above, which has already been known for awhile.

    That you can actually affect what you burn by the amount you put in.

    You are correct though that eventually, keep putting less and less in, and you will no longer be able to cause it to slow down burning anymore.

    But where exactly are you left then? If the OP is averaging say 800, and since she will need to eat less as she weighs less - or constantly do more exercise, only place to move is down.
    That will be interesting if there is 20 more lbs to go.

    I go by the collective minds of my nutritionist, my Doctor and my slimming world class. All of which have tested my body physically and inform me precisely what the lowest levels of kcals I can eat in ways that produces no harm or detrimental effect, for example the 7 lbs I lost in a week once despite hitting my nutrient targets and not logging certain fruits. I would not condone someone cutting down calories without seeing their doctor, neither would I approve someone using generalist research from the internet without taking a tailored approach with their doctor or nutritionist to what their body can do.