Hypothyroid...can't lose weight.

StatutoryGrape Posts: 365
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I weighed myself today because I honestly thought I had lost some weight...feeling a little thinner overall, and I hoped the scale would say the same thing. Nope. I am now at my all-time high of 143.6. Two more pounds and I'm officially overweight, according to the BMI thing, and I am beyond upset.

Now, I've been getting between 30 and 45 minutes of light to medium cardio five to six days a week, along with some light weight training (mostly arms) at home 2-3 times a week. I have been watching my food intake religiously and have been eating healthier than ever, but I just gained three freaking pounds for NO REASON at all.

I do snack a little in between meals, but I'm getting better about that, too. No soda, no juice, no tea. Only water. I'm going to try cutting out snacks altogether and see if that does anything...I'm also calling tomorrow to see if I can make an appointment with my endo, even though I don't have insurance and really can't afford it. I am tired of this crap.

Does anyone else have hypothyroidism? Why is it so hard to lose weight? I just want to cry right now because I've been SO good about diet and exercise and my body just screwed me, again.

EDIT: My hypo is being "treated"--I'm taking 100mcg of levothyroxin once a day. They bumped it up from 80mcg when I first started experiencing weight gain about 7-8 months ago, but it has not helped at all.


  • SJT75
    SJT75 Posts: 134
    Hi i have a thyroid problem the same as yours and unfortunately i find losing weight really difficult...diet does nothing i have to just exercise a lot. I feel your frustration :-( everyone said the weight would fall off once i got the treatment but that hasn't happened. Ido get weighed but i'm trying to just think about how i feel in my clothes rather than get stuck on weight loss....if you feel better that's what matters.

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I have hypothydroidism, diabetes, and PCOS. Don't let them get into your head & discourage you from your weight loss CONQUEST. I told them to go take a flying leap, and have been successful on my journey. Keep your head up, and keep swinging.
    Take one day at a time. It's changing your life, not changing your weight, that really matters. :)
  • I've been trying to focus on that rather than the numbers, but in only a few months' time I've gone from a street size 6/8 (small/medium in clothes) to a 10/12 (large), so it's a HUGE blow to my self-esteem. I hope my doctor can help...he claimed that me gaining 10 lbs after the surgery was normal, but this is not "normal" at all. I made it through my first two years of college without ever gaining any weight and now I've just ballooned. It sucks...

    I'm starting to wonder if having part of my thyroid removed was the right choice. True, if I hadn't, I'd still be struggling with biopsies every six months (I had a recurring benign nodule), but at least I wouldn't be dealing with this...
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    i have friends who deal with this also--

    they try to use these in their daily food plans:

    Seafood and other iodine-rich foods

    It's no secret that iodine is needed to produce thyroid hormone in your body. If you have hypothyroidism, diet should always include foods that are high in iodine content such as seafood like sushi, seaweed, and saltwater fish. Iodine can also be found in bananas and parsley. Also, you should make sure to use iodized sea salt in cooking.


    You need to drink lots of water, at least 64 ounces a day. Remember when you are dehydrated, your body stores more fat and making you gain more weight.


    Fiber is beneficial to you if you have hypothyroidism. Diets high in fiber will not only help you lose weight but also promote regularity in your bowel movement and can help lower your cholesterol. How does it make you lose weight? Fiber makes you feel full so it lessens your hunger levels, and will simply make you burn more calories. Most fruits and vegetables are high in fiber content.

    Coconut Oil

    It has been identified that consumption of coconut oil stimulates the production of thyroid hormone. It increases your metabolism and is considered as an energy booster but this should be taken in moderation, appropriate to your age and body structure.

    Green Tea

    Green tea helps you lose weight by raising your metabolism and also through fat oxidation. You can start drinking a cup of green tea everyday.

    Tyrosine-rich Foods

    Tyrosine is needed for your thyroid hormone production. Increase your intake of lean meats, fish, lentils, and low-fat milk as these are rich in tyrosine.

    Selenium-rich Foods

    Just like tyrosine, this is also important in helping to produce your thyroid hormone. Foods such as tuna, brown rice, Brazil nuts, and salmon can provide the selenium that your body needs.

    You can expect to gain weight when you have this condition. If you have hypothyroidism, diet should be chosen carefully to be able to help your thyroid in producing the hormone. My friends worked with a nutritionist to tweak what worked for them.
  • i have friends who deal with this also--

    they try to use these in their daily food plans:

    Seafood and other iodine-rich foods

    It's no secret that iodine is needed to produce thyroid hormone in your body. If you have hypothyroidism, diet should always include foods that are high in iodine content such as seafood like sushi, seaweed, and saltwater fish. Iodine can also be found in bananas and parsley. Also, you should make sure to use iodized sea salt in cooking.


    You need to drink lots of water, at least 64 ounces a day. Remember when you are dehydrated, your body stores more fat and making you gain more weight.


    Fiber is beneficial to you if you have hypothyroidism. Diets high in fiber will not only help you lose weight but also promote regularity in your bowel movement and can help lower your cholesterol. How does it make you lose weight? Fiber makes you feel full so it lessens your hunger levels, and will simply make you burn more calories. Most fruits and vegetables are high in fiber content.

    Coconut Oil

    It has been identified that consumption of coconut oil stimulates the production of thyroid hormone. It increases your metabolism and is considered as an energy booster but this should be taken in moderation, appropriate to your age and body structure.

    Green Tea

    Green tea helps you lose weight by raising your metabolism and also through fat oxidation. You can start drinking a cup of green tea everyday.

    Tyrosine-rich Foods

    Tyrosine is needed for your thyroid hormone production. Increase your intake of lean meats, fish, lentils, and low-fat milk as these are rich in tyrosine.

    Selenium-rich Foods

    Just like tyrosine, this is also important in helping to produce your thyroid hormone. Foods such as tuna, brown rice, Brazil nuts, and salmon can provide the selenium that your body needs.

    You can expect to gain weight when you have this condition. If you have hypothyroidism, diet should be chosen carefully to be able to help your thyroid in producing the hormone. My friends worked with a nutritionist to tweak what worked for them.

    Thank you for all the wonderful tips! I don't eat much meat in general--I'm big on fish, beans, and the occasional bit of chicken. We do cook a lot of pasta and soups (from scratch) because they're quick and easy to make. I already eat a ton of fruits and veggies and have recently begun taking a multivitamin, too...but I'll pick up some sea salt either tonight or tomorrow and start using that. Hypertension runs in my family, though my blood pressure is actually low, so I don't add salt to my food at all.
  • I weighed myself today because I honestly thought I had lost some weight...feeling a little thinner overall, and I hoped the scale would say the same thing. Nope. I am now at my all-time high of 143.6. Two more pounds and I'm officially overweight, according to the BMI thing, and I am beyond upset.

    Now, I've been getting between 30 and 45 minutes of light to medium cardio five to six days a week, along with some light weight training (mostly arms) at home 2-3 times a week. I have been watching my food intake religiously and have been eating healthier than ever, but I just gained three freaking pounds for NO REASON at all.

    I do snack a little in between meals, but I'm getting better about that, too. No soda, no juice, no tea. Only water. I'm going to try cutting out snacks altogether and see if that does anything...I'm also calling tomorrow to see if I can make an appointment with my endo, even though I don't have insurance and really can't afford it. I am tired of this crap.

    Does anyone else have hypothyroidism? Why is it so hard to lose weight? I just want to cry right now because I've been SO good about diet and exercise and my body just screwed me, again.

    EDIT: My hypo is being "treated"--I'm taking 100mcg of levothyroxin once a day. They bumped it up from 80mcg when I first started experiencing weight gain about 7-8 months ago, but it has not helped at all.

    That's a simple and a difficult question .... I do have hypothyroidism ... Was diagnosed about 15 yrs ago. I take levothyroxine also. The pills do help to regulate the thyroid, but you HAVE TO TAKE THEM EVERY DAY!! I'm not insinuating you don't, but sometimes it's just so hard!! Your thyroid regulates a lot of things in your body .... Metabolism is just one of them. There are a lot of mood issues, fatigue, being tired all the time, etc that are also physical/psychological issues of having a thyroid that's out of whack! Until your thyroid is under control you will have problems with all of these things. I take 75mcg's, and mine is mostly controlled at this point. I hope seeing the doc helps you get the issue resolved! I've lost about 46lbs since 2007, but I still need to lose about 65 more. It's just so slow! Good luck with your visit to the doc!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    I know what you`re going thru.While they were regualating my synthroid,I was up and down.I could ex and eat healthy and gain wt.After the count got to normal,I thought yeah,I`ll loose the wt now.My dr has cut my calories for 1500-1200 and still gaining several lbs.I can`t do the 60 lb cardio I did before because of my knee.I lost 100 lbs a couple years a go and now i`m still trying to loose the 20 I gained for the last 2 years.I get frusterated and cry and want to eat junk to fix it,But I don`t I keep coming back and not quitting.That`s why I decided after 2 years to look up freinds and see if I`m alone.I get down on myself and am getting down I can`t ex the way I want.The dr keeps telling me concentrate on what you are doing and what you did.I can`t control the arthritis pain,but I can control what I put in my mouth.
    Don`t quit,Do the best you can.If it takes longer than you had hope,so be it.At least you`re on the road to a healthy living.
    Don`t mean to preach,but I`m there and having a difficult time with this too.That`s why all the nice words and support have helped me lately.
  • I appreciate all the feedback. :) I do take my pill every single day at the same time and follow the directions to the letter (no food for an hour before or after the pill, take with a full glass of water, take in the morning, etc.).
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    i have hypothyroidism and have had it since i was 5, it does make losing weight difficult, but its not impossible.

    i stopped treating my thyroid when i was about 15. probably not the best idea but well thats what i did... im 25 now.

    been trying to lose weight for about 10 years but never actually TRIED.

    i started my journey 5 months ago and went hard from day 1 and have lost 44lbs. im in better shape than ive ever been in, i have about 10-15lbs of fat to go but its happening and its a very slow process but its happening!

    hang in there and keep working out and eating healthy, ditch the cokes and any empty calories.
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