MFP take 2!

So here I am again on MFP...I used it about 4 years ago and lost 50 lbs! I was the happiest and healthiest that I had been in my entire life. However, it took me 4 years to gain that 50 lbs back.:sad: I have always struggled with my weight because I'm a stress eater and an emotional eater. I also have some chronic pain issues (in my 20s!) making exercise a chore for me. So here I am again to try and take off some weight for several reasons:

1. I wanna feel and look good again.
2. I'm getting married in July!!
3. I want to proudly wear a swim suit on my honeymoon:glasses: , (and to look good nekked!) .:blushing:
4. To fit into my skinny clothes again.

So now I'm looking for friends who want to become motivational partners. I'm very prone to fall off the wagon so I need some hands to help hold me on! I'll try to reciprocate that too. :heart:


  • cedarkins
    cedarkins Posts: 27 Member
    I feel ya! I got healthy enough to run a marathon and then I got lazy and the weight sneaked back in. Let's motivate each other to get back to where we were before! Friend request coming your way! ;-)