Anyone else experiencing a STS then loss pattern?

Hey Guys,

I have lost one stone and have a couple more to go. So far my weight loss seems to go in a weekly STS (stay the same) then loss pattern (well, it has for the last 6 weeks since I started). I am tracking everything I eat and exercising regularly and just assume that this is just the way my body has decided this weight loss journey is going to work.... ! Previously, when I have tried to lose weight my body has lost almost consistently each week (even it if was a tiny amount). Just wondering why this time it is different, I am not really doing anything that different other than probably exercising a bit more and lifting heavier.

I know the scales arent the be all and end all and I am so pleased to not be gaining weight (!!) but sometimes a STS does get a tiny bit frustrating!! I did take measurements when I started as well so will check them this week. I'm also monitoring body fat so hopefully that has improved a bit this week too.

So, all in all, a bit of a moan but also curious to hear if anyone else is in this or has experienced a pretty consistent STS then loss pattern!
