5.6k do I have enough time

I've signed up for a 5.6k run at 9th July. I have been completing the couch to 5k app on a treadmill and I'm on week 5. I can run 5 mins without stopping (longer if I push myself) and regularly complete 5k in 40/45 mins (with 3 min - 5min runs and 1 min walks) on a treadmill with a 2.5% incline. Do I have enough time to train and run this event?

Little worried as its my first run.


  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    That's an odd distance but I'd say heck yeah, you have enough time. Just keep up what you are doing.
  • verhunzt
    verhunzt Posts: 154 Member
    Sure you do, I mean you don't have to run it FAST, if you're running at your own paste, you will be fine.
    RUNNING_AMOK_1958 Posts: 268 Member
    You're already there and can only get better. You don't necessarily have to run the whole thing.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    Sure you do! If you want to do it you will!

    But little idea, ditch the treadmill and run outside rather sooner than later. It's very different and being able to do 5.6 k on the treadmill will not translate to being able to do 5.6k outside...
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I would suggest moving your training out outside before the race, running outside and running on the treadmill are really different, even with the incline.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Sure you do! If you want to do it you will!

    But little idea, ditch the treadmill and run outside rather sooner than later. It's very different and being able to do 5.6 k on the treadmill will not translate to being able to do 5.6k outside...

    This is what I was going to say too. While running at incline helps a bit to get your body used to the differences in terrain there's still a big difference between running on a treadmill that paces you and assists your movement and running outisde. You may even want to go to where the race is held and try running the course a couple times if you can. That always made me feel a little better about running the races.

    Don't worry too much about your pace. There are a wide variety of skill levels at every event. Good luck!
  • distantdez
    distantdez Posts: 2 Member
    I assume from the date and the distance that it's for the JP Morgan run. If so, don't worry about it! With your current 5km time you'll be fine. A lot of people doing the run actually walk some, most or all of it. Keep on training and enjoy the run (and the sociallising afterwards!)

    Also don't worry that you don't come close to the winners' times. They run crazy fast!
  • adeo1234
    adeo1234 Posts: 16 Member
    I assume from the date and the distance that it's for the JP Morgan run. If so, don't worry about it! With your current 5km time you'll be fine. A lot of people doing the run actually walk some, most or all of it. Keep on training and enjoy the run (and the sociallising afterwards!)

    Also don't worry that you don't come close to the winners' times. They run crazy fast!

    Yes it is the JP Morgan run! Thank you everyone for your help and encouragement. I'll start moving some of my training outside twice week and see where that get gets me. :smile: