PCOS will not get the best of me

Hello everyone, I am starting my journey with an enthusiasm that I have never felt before. I went to my OB/GYN and she told me that I need to stop drinking soda ( Dr. Pepper was my vice), eat fewer carbs and sugars (goodbye cookies, cakes, ice cream, bread, etc), and to exercise more ( Hello treadmill). I have ordered a bottle of d-chiro-insistol ( via my doctor) and am anxiously awaiting its arrival. It is supposed to help me lose some excess weight, lower my bad cholesterol, raise my good cholesterol, lower my blood pressure, and regulate my hormones. With pcos regulated hormones (aka normal monthly cycles) sounds like a dream come true. If you do not have pcos and have regular monthly cycles, consider yourself lucky. I only have a cycle right now if it is drug induced, and I hate that because I have been married for 8 years ( Well In June, LOL) and we have no children yet due to the pcos.

I am trying to be optimistic about that changes that need to be made, and can be a great support buddy, should someone need it. I know that we all can reach our goals, if we only look at the picture one day at a time ( so as not to overwhelm ourselves).

Looking forward for all of us to get healthy together. Good luck everyone.