Hello everyone !

Read my strange but true story below...

As I am sure you know by this point, my nick name was 'Skinny Vinny' all through high school and even when I went to a University! Never more than 149 pounds even soaking wet!

Being an embarrassingly 149 pounds does have it's advantages though. I was successful in endurance sports.

I represented Canada in the Triathlon and ran for the University of Western Ontario Varsity Track team and Cross Country team for 4 years; I was even nominated Captain in my final year.

After University, I started my career in the fitness industry and ventured into the fitness industry as a personal trainer. But there was just this one little problem. They say that your body is your best marketing tool. Well if that is true, I was in a lot of trouble.

What happened next? I began my quest at a local YMCA in Guelph, Ontario that only carried a few benches and free weights. Just the basics. Nothing fancy.

My main goal was hypertrophy i.e an increase in muscle size. I was blessed to meet a provincial level bodybuilder in his 40's (at my church of all places) and he begin to mentor me and introduce me to a world of bodybuilding that I had never read about in the magazines or websites -- it was actually the exact opposite and within 24 short weeks I gained 41 pounds of drug-free muscle. In fact, the only supplements I even used were creatine, protein powder and some fish oils. And I did all that in only 3-4 hours of training per week. In 2006