Terrified of regaining but so hungry

Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
Is anyone else in this situation? I'm not starving myself by any means, my TDEE is between 1950 and 2100 depending on the calculator I use (for exercising 6 times a week... I typically walk 3 miles a day and lift some weight 3x a week but I sit a lot otherwise), and my goal is 1700... but I keep going over (and sometimes over my TDEE) because I'm so hungry!

I know some of it is my own fault for not making the best choices (like yesterday), but even then, it's things that would normally have filled me up, but don't. I feel light headed and weak and I must eat something, and it only stops after I eat a lot of food (like today, it's not even 1pm and I only have 375 calories left for the day but at least I'm finally content) . It used to happen once a month, a week before my period, now it's been like this for 2 days every week, and I haven't had a period in 6 weeks now (and no, I can't be pregnant).

I had a cold the last few days and today it's finally better, but I'm feeling like crap. I felt the same last week. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't want to gain weight back, and I feel like I'm just making excuses to eat more and I hate it. It's happening every single week now... nothing satisfies me. It's not even cravings, everything I've eaten today is things that typically fill me up, and that's why I picked them... but it was never enough. I even took a walk to give my brain time to 'catch up' but I had to cut it short because I felt I was going to pass out. Same for last night, I had to eat way too many calories to finally feel like I didn't need to eat the whole kitchen anymore.

How can I hope to stay on track in these conditions? Lack of willpower I can more or less deal with and make up for, being so hungry all the time I can't. I don't even care that much at this point if I don't lose my last 5 lbs, but I really don't want to gain weight again. It used to suck when it was once a month, now every week... it's just incredibly frustrating...

I know I've been complaining about this a lot lately, so thanks for reading.


  • I know how you feel, I could have written a lot of this post myself. It's like no matter how much healthy food I seem to eat throughout the day, I will always have room for more. I'm forever thinking about what I'll eat next and if I really should, etc. It's very frustrating because you do everything you can to stay on track, allow for treats and live life, but sometimes it feels like its to no avail.

    As far as advice goes, I wish I could give you some! lol, as you can see I am struggling with this too. I will say that I try to distract myself with what I can, be it reading, visiting the forums, going out for a walk/shopping etc. When things get really bad, I just think "screw it" and eat things with a substantial amount of protein.
  • KimmieSue2011
    KimmieSue2011 Posts: 117 Member
    Well first of all you've lost 79 pounds so congratulations. I used to binge overeat until I gave up sugar and added sweets. I gave them up on New Years of this year and didn't eat anything sweet until this weekend when for my birthday celebration I ate 2 muffins and a piece of cake at my birthday brunch, and the day before, while doing a 100K bike ride, I also ate some nutella, peanut M and Ms and a granola bar. Well anyway, after the brunch I came back and ate a bagel, cheese, 2 more muffins and another piece of cake! At 3 in the afternoon right after brunch and lunch! And I wasn't even full. It reminded me of what used to happen to me before. For me, giving up added sugar and sweeteners (I still eat fruit, dairy, etc -- just not sweets, dessert, diet soda, stevia, baked goods, etc.) made it easier for me to not overeat. It also forced me to fill up on healthier foods, which also have the added benefit of not making me feel sick. (I felt uncomfortable yesterday afternoon after eating all that.) I don't mean to imply that this would work for you or even that you eat too much sugar (I don't know); I am merely sharing what has worked for me.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Problem is healthy foods typically don't cut it. I mean, the first thing I ate today when I started being very hungry is an egg white omelet with a bit of cheese, onions and peppers. It was pretty huge (100g of peppers, 160g of egg whites) and I was still hungry after. Yesterday I tried pop corn, cauliflower, ended up having cereal and yogurt and it's what finally worked. Last week I had carrots and a piece of cheese... didn't cut it either. It totally sucks. I don't think it's binge eating either, because it's definitely not the same as when I'm craving something then something else and give in... I'm just feeling weak and hungry and I just look for the most filling option. Today protein pancakes worked, and I have some soup as well.

    I've noticed I don't typically have a lot of high fat foods though... maybe that would help when it happens? I don't really have anything on hand except some cheddar though...
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    You have done an excellent job in losing 79lbs. Congratulations!!!

    Have you tried increasing your protein and adding more fruits, veggies, and water to your plan?

    Are you really hungry or is something else going on with you like stress?

    I don't know how much more you have to lose but have you consider resetting your exercise and goals? If you don't have too much left to lose, you could up your calories.
  • ellybeann
    ellybeann Posts: 122 Member
    I did a quick peek at your diary, and Id be hungry too. Cereal to me is a snack not a meal. Try changing your meals up and drink water. When you know you've had what the body needs and most likley isnt really hungry drink a bottle of water or find some thing to preoccupy yourself with. Good Luck!!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I did a quick peek at your diary, and Id be hungry too. Cereal to me is a snack not a meal. Try changing your meals up and drink water. When you know you've had what the body needs and most likley isnt really hungry drink a bottle of water or find some thing to preoccupy yourself with. Good Luck!!

    I never have cereal as a meal. It was a snack in the evening after I already had dinner. And I drink 2 liters of water or more every day, all day, and it never helps when I'm hungry.