Gained weight.

So I went from 143-144 to 145-146 in ONE WEEKEND. Let's just say I splurged over the weekend eating out too much!!!! :(
I didn't want to over think it and get all hard on myself, and I suspected I'd gain a little extra water weight from
everything I consumed, but I just wanted to enjoy myself for a little with loved ones!!!!

It got me thinking though, did I mess things up for my weight loss journey by splurging?
I don't want to get discouraged here, but it sucks that I can't seem to get myself out of the 140's/over weight category!!!!
Any advice, thoughts?


p.s. ANOTHER QUESTION: I'm also thinking that my soreness may have something to do with my weight gain.
I heard that when your muscles are extremely sore, it weighs more. Is that true?


  • mycupyourcake
    mycupyourcake Posts: 279 Member
    When you splurge you probably eat more carbs and salt than you were eating while cutting. This means you gained water weight and also replaced some glycogen in your muscles. When you work out your muscles also retain water to help repair.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Calm down and grab another big glass of water. You probably had a lot of sodium during your little splurge and are retaining water.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Yup, sounds like a big ol' case of water weight to me! We all splurge from time to time. The important part is getting right back on track with your eating and exercise and drinking lots of water to help get rid of the water weight. No worries! I bet you'll be back to normal (or pretty close to it) by this time next week.
  • MonaLisaLianne
    MonaLisaLianne Posts: 393 Member
    I can see 3-4 lbs. extra on the scale easily after splurging on a weekend. I think a lot of it is water weight, usually. Just go back to eating at a deficit, drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, do some exercise, and within the week you'll have lost the re-gained pounds and then some. For me, just knowing it could take close to a week to reverse the damage, and see further progress takes a *lot* of the fun out of splurging!
  • bugbldr
    bugbldr Posts: 9
    I wouldn't worry to much about it. I went through the same thing last week. I was a little pissed at myself that I had gained 1/2 to a pound. I just stayed with the plan and I even splurged a bit over this weekend again but when I got on the scales this morning it was a 4 lb loss. so whatever caused the gain last week has dissappered.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    So I went from 143-144 to 145-146 in ONE WEEKEND. Let's just say I splurged over the weekend eating out too much!!!! :(
    I didn't want to over think it and get all hard on myself, and I suspected I'd gain a little extra water weight from
    everything I consumed, but I just wanted to enjoy myself for a little with loved ones!!!!

    It got me thinking though, did I mess things up for my weight loss journey by splurging?
    I don't want to get discouraged here, but it sucks that I can't seem to get myself out of the 140's/over weight category!!!!
    Any advice, thoughts?


    p.s. ANOTHER QUESTION: I'm also thinking that my soreness may have something to do with my weight gain.
    I heard that when your muscles are extremely sore, it weighs more. Is that true?
    No, you didnt mess up your journey. One bad weekend wont ruin it, just like one good weekend wont get you to your end result.
    If you splurged and that is all the game you saw then that is absolutely NOTHING to worry about. One big meal can put a couple of pounds on you temporarily.

    I am not sure why people to this to themselves and weigh in after a weekend of splurging? You are setting yourself up for failure and setting off that triggger in your head that you cant do it
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    My guess is its water weight just watch your salt and carb intake for a couple days and it will come back down. Drink lots of water that always helps too
  • petefromguelph
    petefromguelph Posts: 84 Member
    My guess is its water weight just watch your salt and carb intake for a couple days and it will come back down. Drink lots of water that always helps too

    Im leaning this way too. One (or two) days will NOT mess up your journey. Just get back on the horse and keep going. That's what I like about this lifestyle change (notice I didn't say diet?). I don't have to beat myself up if I eat something I am really craving. I just do it (in moderation) and continue on. I am finding as I am longer and longer on my own journey, that I am no longer really craving the bad (what I consider bad) things that I used to, so a "binge" is not as bad as it used to be. Just my $0.02..
