Well here I am

Hello, just a note to introduce myself to the community. I'm a 53 year old wife, mother, grandmother, teacher and am WAY overweight. I am looking forward to using this tool to help me track my progress is getting healthy. Good luck to everyone and if you want to be part of my support system, you are more than welcome to become my friend.


  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Hi and welcome.

    MFP is a brilliant board, There is lots of encouragement and advice, the calculation tools are fantastic. Home cooked meals are so easy to calculate now and that was the original reason I joined.

    My advice, set up your ticker and set yourself mini goals. Tiny steps will get you there better than trying for big leaps. I had 99lbs to lose, even 1 stone seemed so far away and now just 4 weeks later i'm only 2lbs away from that first stone off. That is my next mini goal. Just 2lbs, sounds so much more achievable than 87lbs to go!

    Good luck and add me if you like

  • brockly25
    brockly25 Posts: 150
    you at the right site :) just put what you eat all the time and talk to and make alot of friends you will be doing good :)

    you can add me if you like :) or any anyone that make you smile... just have a good time and have fun :)