Any Vintage Ladies or Gents or Burners on board? S

Hi! I'm Julie - 33, a classic War-Era style gal, headed to losing between 50 and 60 lbs and fitting into my massive, wonderful collection of vintage clothing again. You know, the stuff I collected ten years or so ago. I'm looking at a 26"-28" waist range.

I have a few stylish gal-pals on my small friends list, but thought I would see if there are any others here. I found an old thread like this, but three years out of date.

This year, my first goal to hit is being fit for Burning Man. I don't expect to be my smallest, but I know I can be a lot smaller than I am now, and certainly in better fighting fit for many miles of cycling the playa. It will be my fourth year, and the first time that I'll be preparing in terms of fitness for it. I've done body paint one day each year, but this year, I plan to be less self-conscious about it. I'm hoping to have lost between 35 and 40 lbs from my starting weight by then. I realize that's a lot of hard work and healthful eating.

I'd love to meet friends who swing dance, or collect vintage anything, or go to the Playa themselves. I probably won't spend a lot of time on the boards, but am very into giving encouragement via the homepage/newfeed.



  • VinceDelmonte
    We have alot in common i love all that stuff !

    Hows your workouts going ?

  • pdxvintagette
    pdxvintagette Posts: 10 Member
    Nice to meet you, Vincent! Working out has been fantastic. My business partner takes me to the gym with him and helps me through weight stuff 2-3 times a week, and since the sun is coming out, I'm getting outside on my bike a lot. In fact, I just bought a *gorgeous* vintage inspired Dutchie that UPS says is arriving Wednesday. People will have a hard time prying me from the seat.

    (I did not pay that for it, though.) Ultimately, I want the Hollywood Classic figure - fit but soft, curvy and with legs I don't mind showing off in a Ester Williams type swimsuit.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Really cute bicycle! I admire your style, you look simply gorgeous! I don't have much in common really but just wanted to say hello, and that it's nice to read about someone who wants to lose and fit a certain aesthetic but doesn't seem to hate their body now!
  • pdxvintagette
    pdxvintagette Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you! I appreciate your kind words and hello. I'm not limiting my friends to just people who think like me, but thought it might be an easier first way to reach out. I'm not thrilled that I've gotten heavy, but I know what to do about it, i know that I can do it, and ahem, since I sell this stuff, I still have plenty of pretty clothes available to me at whatever size I am. And let me tell you, the road to my current weight was pretty damn fun, and filled with lots of really beautiful, decadent food. While I may have to indulge much less frequently, I'm hardly going to beat myself up about it after the fact. I believe in enjoying my life, and part of that is dresses and cocktail parties, and good foods - and those are things I'll make work in my life whatever my weight, workout plan, lack thereof, etc.
  • sphkhn
    sphkhn Posts: 456 Member

    I love vintage style. I probably wear at least one vintage thing in all my outfits. I'm actually a member of an Art Deco society and I always make period accurate outfits for events and things. I'm really interested in historical costuming of all eras though. I think being able to fit into more vintage is going to be a huge burden on my wallet haha.
  • LaLa_Ventura
    LaLa_Ventura Posts: 94 Member
    I adore anything vintage. Cookbooks, clothes, old pipes, etc. I would love to dress more vintage.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    We have alot in common i love all that stuff !

    Hows your workouts going ?


    This guy or girl, is just trying to sell stuff. Be warned.