what would you do?

I live with my in laws because me and my fiance are saving up money money to get a nice place in the spring.. I am trying to lose weight at the same time to get healthy because i just had my son back on aug. 2.... Well All my mother in law buy is pizzas,fries,chicken burritos and fatty foods... I keep getting knocked off my weightloss journey because I open the fridge and hello there are all these fatty quick food compared to the slow ones that need to be cooked and made...I was thinking about getting this fridge:

and keeping some healthy foods in it like my healthy minifridge so when I open it I see lots of healthy foods and I go for them... Such as maybe some smart balance meals, yogurts,sugar free jello and all... plus diet soda and purified or flavored water.. Do yout think this is a good idea...Also I would put plastic drawers next to it or on top filled with 100 calorie snacks or other healthy snacks that don't go in the fridge.. Opinion?We only have our one room in the house so it would go in our room with us...which is huge... or if you have any other ideals let me know I would be glad to hear them I am just tired of getting thrown off track by opening the fridge everytime and seeing all those food and all. thanks in advance


  • No big long discussion ... I can sure see how quick and easy would win out over slow and tedious EVERY TIME!! Get the fridge, and put it in your room! Of course you will still have access to the old one, but the key is to put healthy quick meals in the one that will be in your room ... And that's what it sounds like you plan to put in there!! I would also say a definite YES on those baskets or shelves you mentioned as well. GREAT JOB on assessing the problem, and coming up with a solution that will keep you on track!! Don't forget a few fresh fruits and vegies! Excellent solution!!
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    I would do whatever I had to do to make it right for me. Health is important.

    You might have a talk with the relatives and just tell them that you don't have the willpower to resist, so you need an assist. Let them feel it is your weakness, not anything that they are doing wrong.

    I'm not saying it is, just to make them feel okay and have no hurt feelings.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Can you have one shelf and one drawer in the fride for your healthy food ? If that is asking to much then ask how they would feel about you having a small fridge and were would be a good place to put it, if they are okay with the fridge but cant think of a place that will work for everyone, bring up the bedroom.