Tips for a Night Shift worker



  • Nadoriel
    Nadoriel Posts: 59 Member
    I'm lucky I don't always work nightshifts... when I do it's at least 3 in a row, then 1 or 2 days off:

    11-12h: wake up + breakfast
    14-15h: gym
    15h: snacks
    17h-18h: lunch
    18-19h: dessert + going to work
    23-01h: snacks
    01-02.30h: usually my break... I always get messed up when it doesn't happen like this
    03-04h: snacks
    05-06h: dinner!
    07-08h: dessert
    09-10.30h: sometimes gym, if I need to (only go 3x week), else go to sleep until 14-15h. Then rinse and repeat!

    I'll be honest though... my workouts after night shifts aren't as efficient, so I always try to do them on the first day or on my days off. Still... better than nothing ^^
  • firefoxxie
    firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member
    I also work many over-night shifts, lasting an average of 9 hours. I only have time to take one half-hour lunch (even though I'm entitled to another half-hour but I don't have the time because I'm so busy). I usually have a whole dole salad kit bag(Highly recommend the Southwestern and BBQ Ranch kits!) and chicken short-cuts and I'm good to go for the rest of the night.

    I leave 100 calories just in case when I come home I still want a snack.

    I normally get home at 1am, I stay up for another hour because I can't go to sleep right away. Then I head straight to bed. When I get up I have my breakfast, do any homework or errands I am supposed to do. Then, I go out for a run/walk for 1-2 hours, come back and take a shower, and get ready for work.
  • kdavis82508
    kdavis82508 Posts: 24 Member
    I work nights at walmart. I have gained a lot of weight. I have changed my schedule to get 3 nights off. I work 9pm-8am. When I get home I do n exercise video, sleep from 10-3. Get up do chores (I have horses), ride maybe. Get my kids from school. Eat dinner about 6. get ready for work.I really only eat at work. I am on my feet all night. I wear a fitbit flex. It says a walk about 5 miles every night.