Lose IT! Challenge Week 1

Welcome to the Lose IT! Challenge!

The Challenge is called Lose IT! because there is so much of "IT" to lose.

Each week we will focus on 3 areas Fitness, Food, You which are made up of 3 components. If you have one it's acceptable but not the best, when you are able to have all 3 it's absolutely acceptable. This challenge is to help you present yourself as WHOLE and absolutely acceptable!

Fitness IS 3 components: Strength, Cardio, Flexibility

Food IS 3 components:Proteins, Fat, Carbs

You ARE 3 components:Spirit, Soul, Body

What about Goals? we can set goals but life has a way of flipping our goals around and we find there's been a change of plans. When those plans change we have to come to a place of confidence that God is still in control and even if we are off the track we thought we should have been on, He has this amazing way of getting us back on track and causing things to work toward our good.

Everyday of the challenge you will track 3 things; your fitness, your food and something about you that you've recognized as a gift/talent/skill/ability.

Additionally, our words have power, at the beginning of each day exchange one description of who you hope to become for the negative description of who you've had a tendency to proclaim you are.

Finally, what's the one thing that God really has opened your eyes to regarding who you are/are becoming?

Use the following format to post your daily focus:
***Day one

(ie: Fitness: 1 hour interval class with 10 minutes stretching; Food-1525 calories; You-motivator?)

Day 1:

YOU ARE: THIS _____ ____ not that_______________________

FITNESS IS: what is it to you? what does it look like to you? Why are you doing it?

FOOD IS: (Needs vs. wants)

YOU ARE: Accountable!



  • kk_stephens
    kk_stephens Posts: 129 Member
    Day 1:

    Fitness: Ease it up a bit -- take care of injuries,
    Food to be within count and nothing poision,
    Myy motivator is myself and my family.

    FITNESS IS: what helps me move past some of my anger, get healthy, and what I want and need to do (need to recover from double knee injuries first)

    FOOD IS: only fuel or poison for my body -- choose fuel -- not poison

    I am beautiful despite my failures