Evaluate my workout routine


I am currently going to the gym 6 days a week, with strength training 5 days a week, yoga once a week and cardio 5 days a week.

I have a daughter who is 13 months and we go first thing in the morning and I have to be in and out in 75 minutes in order to get her home for her morning nap. I cannot go any earlier to lengthen my workouts because the gym daycare doesn't open until 9am.

Anyways; I am currently doing 10 minutes of cardio to warm-up, followed by 30 minutes of strength and then I finish off with another 30 of cardio and 5 minutes of stretching.

Monday: arms & abs using this routine (http://www.fitnessblender.com/v/workout-detail/Kelli-s-Abs-and-Upper-Body-Strength-Training-Workout-Chest-Back-Arms-and-Abs-Superset-Workout/h9/)
Tuesday: legs (http://www.fitnessblender.com/v/workout-detail/Butt-and-Thigh-Workout-Cardio-Plyo-Pilates-and-Strength-Training-Workout-for-Lower-Body/hb/)
Wednesday: arms & abs
Thursday: legs
Friday: Yoga
Saturday: Total body; Usually do 2 strength classes (BodyShred & BodyPump) followed by a step class

Is this an efficient schedule and effective moves to get some definition in my muscles? I know there are a lot of people who don't think cardio is necessary but I truly enjoy having a good 30 minute run or elliptical session and ideally would like to keep it but am open to suggestions.


  • cpusmc
    cpusmc Posts: 122
    heavy weights is what will get you the definition along with the diet and bodyfat reduction. i might try an upper/lower split over the 4 days. that keeps fri and sat the same. i might drop my warmup to 5 min, and drop your cardio 5 min to pick up an extra 10 min for the weights. then go heavy on day 1 upper say as much weight as you can for 6 reps or so, then day 1 lower, go 12 reps, day 3 upper go 12 reps for all, then day 4 lower go heavy 6 reps all exercises. upper make sure you are getting pullups, dips, bench press, shoulder press, curls, all in as part of your upper workout. lower, squats, deadlifts, lunges etc. keep your protein high and you should see definition come around as you continue to lean out and work the heavy weights. good luck.