My name is Ron, and I don't want to be a porker any more!

edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all. I started using this site this past week through my phone, and am excited to be here.

I've always been a little on the heavy size, but I blew up after my divorce.

Last year I failed the body fat content for service members and went up and down between 225-240lbs all year.

This year I was checked and failed again.

I am now in danger of being put out of the military, and losing my career that I love.

After last year of up and down I realized that I needed a total lifestyle change.

That's why I am here.

I have until 31 DEC 2010 to lose 6% body fat. And shave my 2 mile run from 21 minutes to 17.48

My goal is to lose more than that by then. I have set my goal to go from 235 to 200lbs by 31 December.

I want to get healthy for my children, my wonderful fiance, myself and my career.


  • Welcome to MFP, Ron. You have come to the right place to make your life style change! Good luck on your journey! :smile:
  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    Congrads Ron and welcome to the rest of your life =) you will love it here and I totally believe in you! If I can make it through this journey anyone can!
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    Hi RON!!
    Welcome to MFP!! You'll find this site and all of the people on it VERY VERY helpful.

  • mykaar74
    mykaar74 Posts: 253
    welcome to MFP Ron, and you will definitely find a healthier lifestyle here. I wish you all the best on your healthier life journey. And with your family, and career goals. Feel free to friend me as a supportive friend.
  • Lauralovesmfp
    Lauralovesmfp Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Ron,

    I am glad that you found this site. You can do it! Just stay focused on your goals and work hard and that's it! Welcome aboard.

  • Ron,

    First of all -- welcome! This is a great site for a healthier lifestyle, no doubt about it. Second -- Thank you for your service to our great country! I wish you success in getting to the goals to keep you in the Army -- we need all the dedicated soldiers who so graciously volunteer for military service. Please let me know if I can help in any way...
  • MzMolly
    MzMolly Posts: 169 Member
    Hi Ron,
    Welcome to MFP it is a wonderful site and if you use it you will benifit sooo much! Last February I was at almost 300 pounds and my health had reached a point where I had to change or I was going to suffer serious consequences. I have now lost 92 pounds and going strong. I have not felt this AMAZING in many years. You CAN DO THIS!! Use this site, find a support system at home and at work and use them when you need help.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    You`re on your way.Making the move to a new start.Use this site for motivation.I know I have I used the site for 2 years just logging in and din`t even bother with the community and friends.It helps so much to get support from people who are struggling like myself.It`s not an easy thing to do,but you can if you want it bad enough.I had to hit rock bottom and have health issues before I realized I was putting myself in am early grave.I`ve lost 100 lbs and have gained 20 back and still have 40 to go to my target wt.many times I want to say forget,it`s too hard,but I don`t quit.I heard a saying-quitters never win and winners never quit.So good luck with your journey.
    Take care,jane
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Welcome, Ron -- MFP is the greatest. It works. It is more than just a calorie/ nutrient tracker. It is a great community of supportive people who want to help you reach your goals. You made a great choice and took the first step. Feel free to add me as a MFP friend. We wish you great success!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    You will love MFP!! and you can do this!!! Good luck!
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    Welcome! This is a great site! You are in the right place.

    I have a husband in the military (originally from Reading, BTW). I know what he has gone through to pass his PT tests - lots of hard work! He has yo-yo'd a lot depending on where he is sent. When he was in Iraq he was down to 175 lbs. and he's 6'1"! He now goes back and forth between 196 and 220. He is National Guard, so his PT time isn't consistent. Hopefully you get more time than he does.

    Good luck to you!
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