Are you my perfect partner to lose 20lbs Keto style?

Alright guys,

I'm looking to lose my last 20,
I'm also looking for accountability.
I need someone who can inspire me when I read their food diary.
I want some friendly competition.


about me,

I'm doing Keto (its awesome, I'm never hungry, so don't try to change my mind)
I'm inclined towards health food (I add supplements, buy organic, I eat a salad a day, my meat is free range, blah blah)
I love drinking tea, coffee, kombucha, and water
I'm only allowing drinking on special occasions (weddings, showers, bachelorette parties...)
I won't give up chocolate (I make keto ganache with coconut cream and oil, Lilys sugar free chocolate chips, and stevia)
I'm on my feet all day so I don't exercise very often (just some body resistance once a week for now)

about you,

you are keto or low carb inclined
you really like healthy eating
you want to stay committed and will be honest in your food log (even when you make a slip you record it all)
you want to get to your goal

I'm looking for someone with good intentions and completely unabashed honesty. I know everyone makes mistakes, but I want someone looking to minimize that aspect of dieting and hit the ground running with me.

I might sound crazy, but I'm really very nice.


  • SeahorseDolphin
    I already lost 20 pounds on keto, here's to the next 20! I log everyday too.