Ankle injury

I am a runner and last Monday after my run my ankle was really bothering me. The next morning when I woke up I was walking with a limp. Today was the first day I ran since and it is bothering me again. Is there something I should try or should I just go to the Dr? I have never had a running injury before and I am suppose to run a 5k in 2 weeks. Thanks for the advice.


  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    Go to the doctor...
    In the mean time Ice/Heat, ibuprofin or Naproxin to reduce swelling (even if it doesn't look swollen it maybe on the inside) and an ACE bandage. I get hurt a lot and unless it's on the more serious side that's what the doc generally tells me. Oh that and "take it easy." My doc is kind of a "rub some dirt in it" kind of guy though. Definately go have it checked to make sure it's not something worse that a strain.
  • SingingInTheSun
    Hi! I had the same thing back in the spring, and it turned out to be a stress fracture. Don't run on it! It's your body trying to tell you something! Maybe it's nothing, but I'd get it checked out just in case.